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Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:44 pm
by Drakus
I tried testing the use of shadows, and went for a completely random way to do so. Still not complete, I might fix up the blob jiggle thing. How is it?

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:39 am
by Drakus
Testing some things with Alp's stk: a floppy Giga (this is meant to represent a rubber toy, I forgot to mention this before)

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:04 am
by ZucchiniJuice
Well dud. I'd say you are on the borderline of high beginner and low intermediate. Your movements are decent, but can be improve a bit. Most movements you do are well eased, but they move for the sake of being eased and smooth, not for the purpose of trying to transition into the next main key pose, or giving into gravity so your arms just plop down to the side... real physical reasons. Your movements aren't being animated with a sense of gravity, its being animated in a sense of what you feel looks good... is a way I would sum it up. Mainly, you just need a longer animation with more complex movements. Once that is in place, you'll probably get a 100% chance of becoming intermediate.

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 2:30 am
by Drakus
ZucchiniJuice wrote:Well dud. I'd say you are on the borderline of high beginner and low intermediate. Your movements are decent, but can be improve a bit. Most movements you do are well eased, but they move for the sake of being eased and smooth, not for the purpose of trying to transition into the next main key pose, or giving into gravity so your arms just plop down to the side... real physical reasons. Your movements aren't being animated with a sense of gravity, its being animated in a sense of what you feel looks good... is a way I would sum it up. Mainly, you just need a longer animation with more complex movements. Once that is in place, you'll probably get a 100% chance of becoming intermediate.
This is much appreciated man, thanks! I'm on it.

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:28 am
ImageThat's how much of it you have in your anim. Weight is usually shown through varying the spacing and timing. To simplify, the more sudden/less smooth the easing is, the heavier the object gets. Knowing a dinosaur, you're typically dealing with something extremely heavy, so it's best to make him fall quite suddenly.
Here's an example. Compare the two and tell me which feels heavier. Keep in mind this used less frames, meaning faster timing. Not everything that's buttery smooth can be called good, so I'd say you should experiment with timing quite a bit. Make duplicates of the same piv file, then remove and add frames inbetween to see what works and what doesn't. Overall, you're nearly there, so just keep it up and you'll reach it to intermediate. I know I've commented on at least a few of those in the Discord. Making it to that rank has never been easier these days, so don't stress yourself over it too much.

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 11:08 am
by Drakus
Sifter wrote:ImageThat's how much of it you have in your anim. Weight is usually shown through varying the spacing and timing. To simplify, the more sudden/less smooth the easing is, the heavier the object gets. Knowing a dinosaur, you're typically dealing with something extremely heavy, so it's best to make him fall quite suddenly.
Here's an example. Compare the two and tell me which feels heavier. Keep in mind this used less frames, meaning faster timing. Not everything that's buttery smooth can be called good, so I'd say you should experiment with timing quite a bit. Make duplicates of the same piv file, then remove and add frames inbetween to see what works and what doesn't. Overall, you're nearly there, so just keep it up and you'll reach it to intermediate. I know I've commented on at least a few of those in the Discord. Making it to that rank has never been easier these days, so don't stress yourself over it too much.
Ahhh I see, but I do not completely agree with your opinion of how a giant object should fall, at least in this case. A heavier object requires more time to build up speed as it hits the ground, this can be seen with when trees and buildings fall, but this is most apparent when seeing how godzilla moved in the movie. All three of these type of objects don't fall as fast to the ground as us humans do, that's because they're greater in height and much heavier, I get that when u drop two things, the heavier one will hit the floor first but not when it comes to organisms that weigh 4-8 tons.
Well honestly, it all depends on what prompted the fall of the object, the amount of force used to force the object to fall.
The giga falling animation was just me aiming for an unrealistic 'humorous' approach, but I'll try animate a realistic falling animation, I'll animate two tests.
Thanks for the feedback though (smile

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:29 pm
by tuna
Sifter wrote:ImageThat's how much of it you have in your anim. Weight is usually shown through varying the spacing and timing. To simplify, the more sudden/less smooth the easing is, the heavier the object gets. Knowing a dinosaur, you're typically dealing with something extremely heavy, so it's best to make him fall quite suddenly.
Here's an example. Compare the two and tell me which feels heavier. Keep in mind this used less frames, meaning faster timing. Not everything that's buttery smooth can be called good, so I'd say you should experiment with timing quite a bit. Make duplicates of the same piv file, then remove and add frames inbetween to see what works and what doesn't. Overall, you're nearly there, so just keep it up and you'll reach it to intermediate. I know I've commented on at least a few of those in the Discord. Making it to that rank has never been easier these days, so don't stress yourself over it too much.
bruh acceleration under gravity is exactly the same for any object; heavy or light. your example is just plain wrong. weight can be shown by a lack of change in direction (ie: intertia)

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:30 pm
by Michi
Wall o' text ahead
Sifter wrote:snip
this is wrong.

F - Force
m - mass
g - acceleration of gravity
a - acceleration
F = mg
F = ma
ma = mg
a = g
the gravity acceleration of objects is the same no matter their mass, provided we don't take air resistance into consideration.

The ball on the left weighs 5 kilograms whereas the ball on the right is your typical basketball. As you can see they fall down at the exact same speed even though their mass differs.
tl;dr Sifter pls git gud at physics

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:54 pm
by Drakus
Lol, flame has a PHD in physics.

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 5:09 am
by Drakus
A t-rex walk cycle. I could never get the tail flow loop correctly. Stk by MrTriangleWorld . What do you think?

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 5:34 am
by Vito
It looks fine too me, or maybe 'cause I can't animate dinosaur. I love it dude, it looks so cartoony yet kinda having a realism to it. But I don't think the tail is alright, I don't think the dinosaur wave its tail all the time. And if you did it in purpose then it's up to you, imo it kinda stiff especially the edge, look at them. Pay more attention in the tail near the body too, I know it's moving but it's very slightly which makes it stiff I think. The more you move the dots and give more wave the more it looks better. Loop is hard bro, that's why I don't make loop hehe :P but if you want to have the best, you should experiment it wave the tail in a different way or move them further. It's a loop, so you have to get the perfect timing. Otherwise great job! It's cool, dude. Keep it up!

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:22 pm
by Drakus
This is the opening sequence to a contest entry, I tried to fix the stiff legs but it only ended up becoming worse. (cry

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:37 am
by Michi
The staging is weird, i don't really see any reason for the dinosaur's head to be obstructed by that tree

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:52 pm
by Drakus
Working on a mini movie, first of a series I'm doing. ACO 1 (Completely Remastered).
Hope you like it.

Re: Drakus' Animation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:32 am
by Drakus
Just to update this Thread, this was made a while back.