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Submit your .stk to the Stick Nodes stickfigure library!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:53 am
by Ralph
Hey guys, hope this is okay to post here. I'm the creator of Stick Nodes, a stickfigure animation app for Android and iOS.

The official website just had a stickfigure library added to it to allow users to submit/download stickfigures for use in their animations. As you can see, the selection is a bit sparse since the library was just created - this is where you talented guys come in.

If you have any cool .stks or stickfigure packs that you'd like to submit, leave a post here (or PM me) with a link to the stickfigure(s) and I'll add them to the library for you (with credit of course - so also please leave the name you wish to be credited with).

Alternatively, you can download Stick Nodes and import your .stk file yourself (made with Pivot 2.2.7 or earlier) and use the available tools to color or tweak it. From there you can save it as a .nodes file and use the submission form yourself.

Really appreciate any submissions. I'm primarily looking for cool characters, weapons, backgrounds, or vehicles but feel free to submit anything!