Mix'n'Match packs. Assmble your own guns! BETA OVERKILL PACK

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Mix'n'Match packs. Assmble your own guns! BETA OVERKILL PACK

Postby Waffles Mgee » Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:51 pm

Aw hell yeah, it's time for some good ol' MOTHERLOVIN' GUN CUSTOMISATION.

What Mix'n'Match is: Mix'n'Match are gonna be a series of packs made by me. The most known and worked on pack(s) are the Mix'n'Match gun packs, the other lesser-known lesser-worked on pack is the Mix'n'Match bots pack, something I've put on hold until the guns are done. (When I do get back to the bots pack, it'll get added onto this thread.)

Each pack is going to have many folders in it, one per part classification. For guns, we have seperate folders for: Accessories, Ammo, Barrels, Foregrips, Grips and Receivers. There is the main, plain pack which has most of the stuff, but there's also going to be more packs for more parts; for this I have planned a Futuristic pack, a Silly pack and an Overkill pack. These are for people who wanna be a bit more creative with guns, and feel like they can work themselves around sticks.

The idea is that you can assmble your dream gun. The parts are easy to put together (there's even a small manual in the pack), and when completed you will have a fully functional and easy to use gun. My only regret is that you can't really make pistols, but maybe that's a pack for the future, eh? But by now you're probably bored with text. Picture time.



I made a pistol pack too since you couldn't really make good looking pistols in the original pack. This pack is much smaller, but it gives enough variety. I've also included the ability to make the Robocop and the Equilibrium pistols, along with the Equilibrium magazines that appeared in that one scene where the guy throws them onto the floor and they stand up so he can access them easier.

Borderlands 2 Pistols previews. There are three sections to a BL2 pistol: Grip, receiver and barrel. There isn't a tutorial image so I'll expect you to figure it out a little, it's not that hard. Have fun with 'em.

Though I should mention that the Vladof barrel is a bit weird, due to its nature. There's a barrel base you attach to the pistol and you'll need both versions of the barrel out, version one (with the added detail stick) and version two. They can be rotated and you'll need to swap them around every time you fire. As for the Hyperion receiver, you can swap out both version of the fin things too. Well, if you want, it's only a bit of detail.



Plain Mix'n'Match. Get this first.

>> Click! <<

Overkill BETA Mix'n'Match. Get this after the Plain if you want to mess about with more stuff. Gimme feedback/ideas/stuff you want added to the tut image.

>> Rev up those miniguns 'cause I am sure hungry for BLOOD <<

Pistol pack. Incompatible with plain, overkill or any packs after that.

>> Mix'n'Match Pistols.

BL2 Pistols. No tutorial images. Have fun.

>>Borderlands 2 Pistols

Uploaded with sta.sh.

Have a blast with it!



I'm also open for any part ideas. Lay 'em on me.
Last edited by Waffles Mgee on Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:12 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs!

Postby The Black Mamba » Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:51 pm

I'm glad you made a thread for this.
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs!

Postby Kermit » Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:29 pm

I love how detailed everything is, great job on the pack (thumbsup
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs!

Postby Царица Луна » Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:59 pm

Hmm. This looks to be the most interesting work I've seen someone do with .stks in a long while; definitely taking advantage of the joining feature of Pivot 4. Although I personally probably won't use the .stks, it's still an interesting concept. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs!

Postby Llama » Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:00 am

Oh boy...do I choose the Mix'n'Match, or do I choose sprites...hm....decisions, decisions....BOTH!!!!!
but why though
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs!

Postby Mitch » Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:09 am

You already know what I think of this pack but yeah, i've literally spent hours just seeing what ridiculous guns I can put together. This pack is fucking fun incarnate in the context of pivot.
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs!

Postby tenks » Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:13 am

This reminds me of this webpage where you could create custom guns, they looked exactly like that, with addition of rocket launchers and stuff. I had tons of fun with that.
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs!

Postby SIFTER » Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:23 am

Do I really need to give yuo my opinion about these? Come on. You already know how I'm fascinated by your guns, mate.
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs!

Postby tuna » Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:24 pm

Sweet baby Jesus, these are really awesome. You're really talented at this, apart from the drawing skill I appreciate that it's difficult to get it joining correctly. Good job on that :)
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs!

Postby Gary » Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:14 pm

I seriously love the sticks man. Gonna use these in the near future c:
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs. Assmble your own guns!

Postby Waffles Mgee » Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:48 pm

Anyone got part ideas? Any changes they think is needed?
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs. Assmble your own guns!

Postby Gage » Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:18 pm

Shotgun extensions, somehow like the grenade launcher
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs. Assmble your own guns!

Postby Waffles Mgee » Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:05 pm

DragonCheesecake wrote:Shotgun extensions, somehow like the grenade launcher

What, like the MasterKey? That's already in there, along with underslung rifles.

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Re: Mix'n'Match packs. Assmble your own guns!

Postby Gage » Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:26 am

Ah okay, I didn't think about doing it that way haha

What about more sights and Pistols with custom parts for those?
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Re: Mix'n'Match packs. Assmble your own guns!

Postby Waffles Mgee » Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:48 am

We already got holosights, EOTechs and a basic scope, but I'm sure I could make more. And pistols? Too small. The grips are too large to allow any sort of slide mechanism, but I could always make a Mix'n'Match pistol pack in future, it's got potential. But there's a snub barrel in the pack, so you could probably use that to make more compact guns.
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