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How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 7:12 pm
by Царица Луна
How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join? The latter questions is perhaps more obvious.

I began animating with Pivot late-2006. Of course I was looking for a Pivot community to share my animations and improve my ability to animate. By either later that year or early 2007 I somehow came across a now dead site That site had links to other sites such as, probably and I eventually joined the community sometime in February of 2007; I don't remember why I chose to join that site in particular but it was most likely because the site had a Pivot portal as well as a Flash portal. Eventually I joined in 13 March 2008 probably because it seemed like the best alternate Pivot community out there; it became the community I was most involved in certainly after was shutdown late 2008.

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 7:30 pm
by Llama
I started Pivot around 2009-2010. My sister was actually the one to introduce me to Pivot because she took a Tech class and they used Pivot. I eventually came across DarkDemon while I was searching for gun sprites, and I just happened to come across your sprites! I downloaded every single one of your Gen 2 sprite packs and stalked the whole site but didn't sign up until about fall of 2013. I'm really grateful that I found this community and that I've been able to develop and grow as an animator on here.

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:48 pm
by Gary
I started animating around 2007/2008 from Youtube with Flash. I found Fluidanims, and joined it, and became a member for a couple of years. Eventually, a member from DD (can't remember who) posted one of the DDCs, and I went to go join the site. I discovered pivot, found it a lot more fun than flash for some reason, stuck with it, and here I am.

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:57 pm
by Mat

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:05 pm
by Chris
Jojishi: Chuck animations tribute "The Most Epic pivot Fight in the Galaxy!" The origin to my animations.

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 2:14 am
by Extra
I started Pivot around '07.
Saw a DDC, can't remember which and decided to check the site out.
Since I was a 13 year old cunt, I was afraid of joining.

Joined some years later, I think 2010.
Made a thread, posted a little bit, and left.

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 2:32 am
by The Black Mamba
I started pivot sometime in 08 and joined DD in 2010, forgot why. I was 12 or 13 around that time though, so all I did was make new threads every time I made an animation and troll the site (typical beginner shit). Went in active for about 9 months and re joined as The Black Mamba in 2011.

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 2:38 am
by Marvilicious
I saw PivotmasterDX's videos on Youtube and wanted to animate something like that aswell. I didn't know which program he was using, so I downloaded a variety of programs where I had to draw. (GIMP, Easytoon and Flash) However, drawing was way too hard for me so I kept searching until I found out how the program was called: Pivot!
Sooo, I animated a bit with it but not much. And I think I found Darkdemon after searching for decent animations on Youtube and I think it was OblivionFall who directed me to Darkdemon. Then I joined, I felt at home immediately and started animating properly. (oh you

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 3:00 am
by MCToast
StickyMagic told me forums are better than youtube and DD had FF550 and stickid, so I joined there.

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 4:24 am
by Anton
Played funny stickman games (flash) (~2006)
Saw funny stickman animations (youtube)

Googled Pivot, starting animating. (~2007)
Joined the french forum.

Moved to the english forum after a long break. (~2013)

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:40 am
I was a youtube fag for a year or so. I started communicating with other youtube fags and all they did was giving me a pat on the back for making better animations than theirs eventhough mine sucked, but I felt like that's not how it should be, so I kept looking for a way to know my true self. I discovered DD thanks to the DDC, visited the forum, readed some posts and i felt like I wasn't gonna be welcomed there because of my animating level, so I went to another place where it'd be more convenient for me which was PA. I kept myself there and became a part of the community. After about a year, I went to the anonymous section to know my "true self" and get to know my real level which is why I joined from the 1st place. After I saw that people actualy like my animations, I safely joined.

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:40 am
by Lord
started animating in... '09 I think. All I wanted to animate was Nazi zombies.

lurked around youtube for a while. I watched animations I thought were good at the time and tried to make my animations like them.
I heard of animators called Oblivionfall and Hbomb.

2010 now. I went on Droidz for gun sticks. I got redirected to Darkdemon but was too shy to join.

I took a 2 year break and decided to come back to animating. Now I found the confidence to join Darkdemon, and I've been here ever since.

the end. (cheesy grin

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:46 am
by Omega
When i started pivot i ended up finding about Dark Demon Collabs in youtube, after a while i realized DarkDemon was a forum, so i decided to check it out. I wasnt really interested in joining cuz i didnt know what to do and shit so i ignored it, after a while i decided to join. Probably in 2005 was when i joined DD. And now again in 2014 i join this one.

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:58 am
by Phewz
was shown pivot in 2005, found the DDCs in 2007 and joined PA around the same time after a friend showed it to me, lurked on DD for a few months because i was honestly a bit intimidated
finally ended up joining early 2008 because someone bugged me into doing so, saying it was better than PA and me being a PA-fag i didn't believe him at first
ended up spending way more time on dd than pa, although i was staff on both at some point in time ;DDDDD

Re: How did you find Darkdemon and why did you join?

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2014 12:11 am
by Waters
Youtube > StickPage Portal > DD > WTFT > FA/Stickpage > Shuniu > TDD

I joined because I wanted to git gud at pivot and just stayed for the cool people on those sites.

Except Stickpage, Stickpage is stupid and so are the people on it now.