Crazy fucking parents.

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Re: Crazy fucking parents.

Postby Jojishi » Sat May 10, 2014 6:35 pm

Fighting with your parents is not a good way to earn respect. If anything, they respect you a lot less. They don't fight with you because they're sick of feeling insulted and threatened. They just become fearful, submissive and uncaring of how you turn out in life. Why I know this? My sister has been extremely abusive and manipulative to get her own way. Now my Mum just doesn't even try anymore.

My Mum's a little crazy. She talks to herself (which is totally fine) but does it in front of people (which isn't fine). I'll be sitting at the table and she'll just be getting a coffee or something and talking to herself. I'll wonder to myself if she's talking to me or herself. It's really annoying. When it's talking to me it's not like she has a proper conversation either. She'll just talk at me about things I'm not even interested in and I just nod my head and say yes to everything.

What makes me sad is when she'll listen to the propaganda of Rupert Murdoch's empire like it's from the horse's mouth. She'll constantly turn up the TV and say how important it is to hear about the royal baby, the lost plane, or how bad teenagers are. None of that stuff matters. When anything gay pops up on the TV I cringe, because I just know I'm going to get an ear full from her about how perverted and sick gay people are.

One of the worst things is definitely the religious side. I didn't think much of anything when she decided to start going to church, so when she asked if I wanted to go I said I didn't believe in God. I just nonchalantly said it because I didn't think it was a big deal seeing as she'd never been to church since I was born. Ever since she's been trying to convert me and I don't like it one bit. She'll say things like, "Do you want to come to church with me?" or "Do you want to come along for the food and drinks?" or something along those lines. I told her one day that I thought her religious bookmark had a nice looking pattern. She brings me one the next day even though I didn't ask for one. It's subtle persuasion, but it creeps me out a little all the same. It isn't as bad as it could be mind you, but it's the thought that she's trying to edge me into it that saddens me.

The worst part about it all is that you can't trust her. It sucks hearing from someone that you can tell them anything, just knowing deep down that you actually did tell them your deepest secrets that you'd be disowned. You feel extremely alone and like you can't trust anyone.

My Dad died when I was 15. I'm finally ready to say this, but he died from a drug over-dose. I found this out myself in an email on my Mum's computer. I just jumped on her computer to go on the internet one day and her emails were open. I looked at the one that said stuff about my Dad in the title, and found out that way. The worst part was that she didn't talk about how he died. I felt like I'd caused it or something.

Anyway, when he was still around he would try to make me act masculine. I'll never forget that I was playing with dolls when I was a little kid (because that's what kids do, boys or girls) and he'd get angry at me. He wanted me to play with cars or do physical sports or whatever. If I did anything the littlest bit feminine he'd insult me. I was never allowed to cry or anything and as a result, I've never been able to develop a healthy emotional state. I feel very robotic at times.

When I told him kids were teasing me, he'd tell me to fight them. I ended up taking his advice in Grade 5 and got expelled at the end of it all. He wanted me to be a tough guy but it just stunted my emotional development. I was scared of him because of how tough he'd try to be, and there was this one time I'll never forget where he chased me through the house and when he caught up to me... He picked me up and slammed me on the ground on my back. I was afraid of him constantly.

Before he died he got tattoos practically all over his body and he listened to ACDC a lot. He bought new cars and he had left my Mum about 4 years ago by this stage. He literally moved into a garage before he died. When I say garage, I mean an actual place in an industrial area where there's about 20 or so garages. People live in those things. Sideshow Bob was living in one in The Simpsons, that's the best example I have. I thought it was crazy, but now it makes complete sense... He had no money because all of it was being spent on drugs.

I wish I'd have had a positive male role model in my life. Someone that told me it was okay to have emotions or that being masculine isn't everything. I learnt these things on my own thanks to the internet and other adult male teachers etc.

That's my parents pretty much. It sucks having to keep secrets in fear of being disowned. It also sucks to be afraid of your parents. This is the first time I've been comfortable enough to talk about any of this but whatever.
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Re: Crazy fucking parents.

Postby Llama » Sat May 10, 2014 11:58 pm

Sifter wrote:And the one with the craziest parents award goes to...
And mom didn't try to kill me (literally) once nor twice, she even wanted to kill me the same way she did today back then when I was about five.
Plus all the above except for christianity.

Jojishi wrote:Fighting with your parents is not a good way to earn respect. If anything, they respect you a lot less. They don't fight with you because they're sick of feeling insulted and threatened. They just become fearful, submissive and uncaring of how you turn out in life. Why I know this? My sister has been extremely abusive and manipulative to get her own way. Now my Mum just doesn't even try anymore.

My Mum's a little crazy. She talks to herself (which is totally fine) but does it in front of people (which isn't fine). I'll be sitting at the table and she'll just be getting a coffee or something and talking to herself. I'll wonder to myself if she's talking to me or herself. It's really annoying. When it's talking to me it's not like she has a proper conversation either. She'll just talk at me about things I'm not even interested in and I just nod my head and say yes to everything.

What makes me sad is when she'll listen to the propaganda of Rupert Murdoch's empire like it's from the horse's mouth. She'll constantly turn up the TV and say how important it is to hear about the royal baby, the lost plane, or how bad teenagers are. None of that stuff matters. When anything gay pops up on the TV I cringe, because I just know I'm going to get an ear full from her about how perverted and sick gay people are.

One of the worst things is definitely the religious side. I didn't think much of anything when she decided to start going to church, so when she asked if I wanted to go I said I didn't believe in God. I just nonchalantly said it because I didn't think it was a big deal seeing as she'd never been to church since I was born. Ever since she's been trying to convert me and I don't like it one bit. She'll say things like, "Do you want to come to church with me?" or "Do you want to come along for the food and drinks?" or something along those lines. I told her one day that I thought her religious bookmark had a nice looking pattern. She brings me one the next day even though I didn't ask for one. It's subtle persuasion, but it creeps me out a little all the same. It isn't as bad as it could be mind you, but it's the thought that she's trying to edge me into it that saddens me.

The worst part about it all is that you can't trust her. It sucks hearing from someone that you can tell them anything, just knowing deep down that you actually did tell them your deepest secrets that you'd be disowned. You feel extremely alone and like you can't trust anyone.

My Dad died when I was 15. I'm finally ready to say this, but he died from a drug over-dose. I found this out myself in an email on my Mum's computer. I just jumped on her computer to go on the internet one day and her emails were open. I looked at the one that said stuff about my Dad in the title, and found out that way. The worst part was that she didn't talk about how he died. I felt like I'd caused it or something.

Anyway, when he was still around he would try to make me act masculine. I'll never forget that I was playing with dolls when I was a little kid (because that's what kids do, boys or girls) and he'd get angry at me. He wanted me to play with cars or do physical sports or whatever. If I did anything the littlest bit feminine he'd insult me. I was never allowed to cry or anything and as a result, I've never been able to develop a healthy emotional state. I feel very robotic at times.

When I told him kids were teasing me, he'd tell me to fight them. I ended up taking his advice in Grade 5 and got expelled at the end of it all. He wanted me to be a tough guy but it just stunted my emotional development. I was scared of him because of how tough he'd try to be, and there was this one time I'll never forget where he chased me through the house and when he caught up to me... He picked me up and slammed me on the ground on my back. I was afraid of him constantly.

Before he died he got tattoos practically all over his body and he listened to ACDC a lot. He bought new cars and he had left my Mum about 4 years ago by this stage. He literally moved into a garage before he died. When I say garage, I mean an actual place in an industrial area where there's about 20 or so garages. People live in those things. Sideshow Bob was living in one in The Simpsons, that's the best example I have. I thought it was crazy, but now it makes complete sense... He had no money because all of it was being spent on drugs.

I wish I'd have had a positive male role model in my life. Someone that told me it was okay to have emotions or that being masculine isn't everything. I learnt these things on my own thanks to the internet and other adult male teachers etc.

That's my parents pretty much. It sucks having to keep secrets in fear of being disowned. It also sucks to be afraid of your parents. This is the first time I've been comfortable enough to talk about any of this but whatever.

That's terrible. I'm sorry.

I have decent parents, I mean, they aren't that abusive or anything. They get on my case a lot if I drop from an "A" to a "B", guilt trip me into doing things that I really don't want to do and stuff like that, but nothing too bad. Religion isn't that big of an issue in my family, I'm a pretty devout Christian, but sometimes they take the whole religion train a bit too far off the tracks of comfort. My mom likes to hoard money, she can have a really short temper fuse, and it's hard to explain/talk about things with her (She's Korean and speaks very little English. I wasn't formally taught Korean). My dad is better, but sometimes he goes really docile and quiet, then if you say something wrong, he'll blow up on you. I feel grateful for my parents though, especially after reading some of these.
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Re: Crazy fucking parents.

Postby The Black Mamba » Sun May 11, 2014 12:24 am

Joji, I'm sorry to have read any of that. I hope you've gotten a little closure from posting that just now, you probably should look for other outlets then a pivot forum though, just for the sake of your mental health. It sounds traumatizing finding out about your father that way, at least it would be for me, I'm sorry.

My parents are okay, I can't really say anything after reading all that.
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Re: Crazy fucking parents.

Postby Caleb » Sun May 11, 2014 6:51 am

Damn Jojishi, I'm actually surprised you're doing so well. Glad you shared this, hope it relieved some of your stress as well.

I myself have perfect parents. I almost feel bad saying this in a thread like this, but I do. They're very reasonable overall and take me for who I am. I do have some friends with odd parents though.

This one friend of mine got a decent chunk of her hair pulled out by her mother and has been put in a random place by car by her parents. She insists on staying with her parents though, even after I've told her to just come live at my place a million times.

The other friend basically lives on her own. Her mother died having her and that caused her father to get deep into the entire drug business (not to say he wasn't clueless on drugs before this but yeah), he got caught with a trunk loaded with pills when the girl was 4 and she got adopted then. The guest family she was in seemed to regret getting her a couple months later and as a result she was left raising herself for basically all of her life, since the parents gave her food and clothes and that was pretty much it. When she was 16 her dad got out of jail and she was forced to move in with him. He really doesn't do anything more than what she's used to and is almost never home. God knows what he does when he's out. She has a chronically depressed and introvert personality now. I see where it comes from, but it can get annoying that I have to watch my words all the time, one slightly cynical joke can ruin her day and I don't like ruining someone's day.

So yeah, I'm very thankful I was born into the family I'm in. Hope everyone here manages to live with it better than the people I know.
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Re: Crazy fucking parents.

Postby SIFTER » Sun May 11, 2014 9:38 am

Here's the story of what happened to me:
Breifly, I was sitting in the living room's seat, mindind my own business, watching TV, nothing too special... Then suddenly, dad came in asking me if I saw an official document which will allow me to make my i.d card becasue I need it to get accepted to do the finals, my response was negative and told him that someone must have accidentally thrown it. So here's the thing: In this apartment, there's me, my younger brother, mom, and dad. Dad is looking for it so he couldn't have thrown it, which leaves mom and my brother under suspect. Mom thought that that was directed towards her, so she started yelling at me. I couldn't stand her yelling for over 20 minutes so I left the living room to go to my own room. As I was playing a game, mom started cursing and disrespecting my figure. All I did was nodding and saying "hm". Soon after she rushed into me and slapped me, I didn't mind, but just as she held the screen to tear it apart like a carton, I became an iblis and squeezed her arms. She must have felt pain but she didn't show it becasue of adrenaline rush. Since we both had adrenaline rush, we wasn't aware of what we were doing: Mom sqeezed my neck to kill me, and I kept pushing her... The fight was so intense that my father started defending me.
It literally took me about a day to calm her down. Now things are good, but I can't trust her anymore.
And Jojishi, I have no idea how you didn't suicide. Someone like me would turn into an emo because of that. That kinda justifies your dark mindset back then (or whatever it's called). I respect you even more now.
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