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Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:02 pm
by Behemoth
Post stories of either your parents or a parent of a person you know that has crazy parents.

I have an Indian friend whose parents are delusional. They constantly show over affection for his younger sister but the polar opposite to him. He has a sinus infection and a bad fever, and they just say that its his fault for having it. When he told the nurse, the nurse urged his parents to go to the doctor to get him checked. When he asked them about it later, they later denied they talked with the nurse and aggressively said how their not wasting time and money on a doctor.

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:09 pm
by Gary
My parents aren't really that crazy, but they're crazy in the sense of strict Christians. My mother isn't as bad as my dad, but my dad is a hardcore Christian. He makes me go to church school every weekend, but my grade doesn't really care about this stuff, so we usually just goof around during class. Well a few weeks ago, our teacher didn't show up, but we still had to stay, so I decided to take a nap. I got back, and my dad learned I had taken a nap during class, and almost grounded me for a month. It's sorta scary because someday I've gotta tell him I'm not into religion, but I'm afraid he'll disown me. Heh. He's pretty cool otherwise tho

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:21 pm
by The Specter
My parents are kinda like that too, and Im probably not going to tell them that I'm not because my dad will most likely cut me out of the family will, and Id rather fake religion than not have money.

Something weird that my dad made us do as children was, me and my brother had to get the same hair cut as my dad. and that happened until I was like 10.

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 11:31 pm
by XElite109
Behemoth wrote:Post stories of either your parents or a parent of a person you know that has crazy parents.

I have an Indian friend whose parents are delusional. They constantly show over affection for his younger sister but the polar opposite to him. He has a sinus infection and a bad fever, and they just say that its his fault for having it. When he told the nurse, the nurse urged his parents to go to the doctor to get him checked. When he asked them about it later, they later denied they talked with the nurse and aggressively said how their not wasting time and money on a doctor.
now those are some seriously fucked up parents they need to
Gt some sense knocked into em

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:48 am
by The Black Mamba
The Specter wrote:Something weird that my dad made us do as children was, me and my brother had to get the same hair cut as my dad. and that happened until I was like 10.

What? Do you live in Korea? That's weird man.

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:22 am
by MCToast
lol christians are stupid cunts.

My father's a self harming criminal, he has murdered few people and do drugs everyday.

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:23 am
by Cowboy Memebop
The Black Mamba wrote:
The Specter wrote:Something weird that my dad made us do as children was, me and my brother had to get the same hair cut as my dad. and that happened until I was like 10.

What? Do you live in Korea? That's weird man.

wait they do that in korea?

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:28 am
by MCToast
I think he's just being racist.

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 4:03 am
by The Black Mamba
I'm not.I heard it was something like that. I know for a fact that you only have 28 haircuts to choose from in Korea, they're very strict.

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 4:27 am
by Phewz

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:00 am
by The Specter
We dont live in Korea, my dad just thought that his haircut was the best haircut in the entire world and I quote, "Didn't want us to look like a bunch of hippies or low-lifes". Im sure his heart was in the right place but still, definitely on the weird side.

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:58 pm
by Amir
My parents are very crazy, they always fighting each other, they hate each other and I remember my mom said to dad yestrday: "I will never forgive you for this! Do you hear?! I'll make sure you will be miserable, you idiot fat sitting in the chair all day and not move your fat ass!"
But in fact my dad is the one who's crazy, I pretty fucking hate him though.
2 weeks ago I had a serious stomach pain, and he forced me to arrange my room, but I told him I can't it's hurt but he gave a shit on that, and he told me that if I don't arrange my room, I'll be sorry, so he threw me against the wall, twice! And I still had the stomach pain!!!
So after that I was really afraid, I ran away from home really quickly called my mother to call the police, but eventually I calmed down and didn't do it, I am very sorry that I didn't do it while I still could.

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:10 pm
by MCToast
your father really jihads your derka derkas.

Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:35 pm
by Axon
Amir wrote:My parents are very crazy, they always fighting each other, they hate each other and I remember my mom said to dad yestrday: "I will never forgive you for this! Do you hear?! I'll make sure you will be miserable, you idiot fat sitting in the chair all day and not move your fat ass!"
But in fact my dad is the one who's crazy, I pretty fucking hate him though.
2 weeks ago I had a serious stomach pain, and he forced me to arrange my room, but I told him I can't it's hurt but he gave a shit on that, and he told me that if I don't arrange my room, I'll be sorry, so he threw me against the wall, twice! And I still had the stomach pain!!!
So after that I was really afraid, I ran away from home really quickly called my mother to call the police, but eventually I calmed down and didn't do it, I am very sorry that I didn't do it while I still could.


Re: Crazy fucking parents.

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:56 pm
by tuna
Wow some of you have some pretty weird parents...?
My Mom's pretty good, my Dad is always putting pressure on me and my brother (especially my brother coming up to his GCSEs) to do well in school. In the past he's tried to create timetables where you spend one hour on 'free time', one hour on homework, eat dinner at a designated time, so much time for something else, everything was very regulated. Well, we said that's not how life works, routine like that becomes very boring, you've always got something else to do each day, each week, he should stop trying to be a control freak. Still to this day he tries to get me and my brother doing all this 'go on Bitesize' or his new craze 'Use Kahn Academy when you're not doing homework'.

Also, he's always trying to steer me into becoming a developer, getting me to try learning Python and watch loads of videos about it and stuff. I feel slightly ungrateful to refuse, seeing as I'm very lucky to have such resources in the first place but I really hate programming. I'm just not that sort of guy. Tbh all I want to do with my life is make music. I know that sounds really stupid, but the worlds always going to need music, therefore, the music industry too. My Dad's pretty insistent that this is stupid, and continually tries to stop me, says that 'Developers are very high pay'. Currently, this is true, but by the time I'm looking for a job, developers will be much more common place, thus, lower pay. It's naive to think that the government is encouraging children to program so everyone can get a high pay. But he doesn't listen. No point in arguing with him really.

But yeah, this is pretty much nothing compared to other people. Seriously, Amir and Behemoth's Indian friend, that's really tough.