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Poetry Collection

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 11:18 pm
by ThePabo
I used to write a lot of poetry back in like, freshman/sophomore year of high school, posted them on deviantart, but decided hey, why not share it here? This hopefully suffices until I practice and try my hands on pivot. Enjoy!
(listed from newest to oldest)

Shading Writing
I have strange tendencies all around.
The shaking of a dog's tail is my leg.
Thanks to it, sleep rarely comes around.
But there's also my hair in an orderly mess,
That I only ever so often graze my fingers through.
It's a nostalgic feeling, and also a lonesome one,
For I have to do it myself,
And it's no fun being on your own
Even though your own friends comfort you.

My right eye twitches when I think too hard,
But thankfully that never happens when I write.
Because I can go on and on about silly things
Rather than doing something productive, my phone rings.
It's only telemarketing for the most part
But sometimes it's my girl from distances apart.

Fair as she was, and thick as her hair may be,
She swatted me away, leaving just you and me
Mind; You always bother me during the day,
But at night you let my emotions sway.
What a boring day it has been.

I've back sassed this lie a couple of times
Not sure if it's juxtaposed or obsession
That keeps me from looking away
From the light bearing down on me.

Cringe to its power and felt a grip
Around my neck, keeping me from seeing
What I want to live for. A dream
That only lives in a dream
Within this illusion of myself.

I don't want to die knowing you
Were merely there shining down on me
And I just wanted air to serenade me.
I didn't ask for so much space in this world
Because its preciousness feels like a slab.

The things to see outside this body
Only exist within your mind, and to get out
You muster up strength just to see yourself fail.
And then you realize the waste you've made of your life
While the person a seat over you overcomes strife
When mother dies who wouldn't allow him to see
The other side of the coin, the different colors.
You mustered up strength just to watch yourself fail.

At home there's just a lamplight over your labor
Of the furniture populating your space.
Damnation to the lost causes that got you there
But that lamplight still shines on you.

What happened to me?
What happened to you?
Flickering still
Life passes by.

And when you've mustered up strength this much
It's only safe to say you wanted something more.
But it's just a spotlight on you, a fading memory
Of that one thing to hold you up.
You mustered up strength just to see her go away.

Dare the seemingly sober man to confess
And he will cross o'er the mountains to regress
You don't just contemplate on matters
For contemplation leads to falter.
The grasping for my own air
The grace of life for fare
And the will is rare
The cause is purely bare.

My wrath for you grows further in
This fault I am did none for you
And though I die and still pray
Cracked spirals spur the blue.

You've not the power to embrace me
The fault lines embed the crease.
Encase my motives in this capsule
Try to break through this enigma.
Created through the lies untold
Deleterious in the fold.

That woman's bodacious stare incapacitates
The exasperated desire is too much to handle
I need the enlightenment of any man
The one that is much more than just a riddle.
Craving is a sin to believe in
Because crave can wreak of gin
And if I dare to confess
The mountains, I will never regress.

Clean Sleet
I wish this time wouldn't end.
Leaves coming back onto the trees.
Sun blazes through my den
As I step out to feel the breeze.
Caress me, my sweet wind
The one that loosens my grip.
How I wish you can love me too,
But you flow with my heart adrift.
Such a beautiful day to embrace,
I chose to feel its grace.
Life has no lemons to offer
But I make with what I found here.
The blue rose of the past came alive,
But I make sure I leave it to the side.
I want to be tangled by the wind now
Such a beautiful day I wish for you.

You've No Mind to Pay
Haven't a clue to what this place is,
Contemplation as to the origins of this situation.
Build a campfire, make shelter, and leaves for food,
Grasp the last of civilization; key chain of dedication.
Now the time comes where o'er the mountains, beasts sing.
Beastly rhymes to catch the bird's eye,
And not a ring that stings.

To relieve
Only soaking in veils of blood
Breathing's for false claims
Can't believe

I carved a bird on to the stone
Signal the beasts to feast upon me
Regret the steps taken to this end of the road,
Because shit scars my face.
Even to this day, the beasts take the leftovers from a year ago.

How fast time flies when you're killing yourself.
Trying to get back on the fucking track without a raft.
You only think about the things you said and promised,
But it's just the beginning of the end.

You've no mind to pay for this verse
You've never the time to read my lips.
You've only your own desires
Desires that only matter to you.

Mind Me You Not
I've no regrets with the things I tried to make
Giving the mass of beauty to dedicate and create
But don't sigh and grieve for what you decided
Can't make you deny your own thoughts
Just turn toward that door and walk
A digital sea to drown in, just as I ought.

You've confused chemistry with alchemy
Outdated, sag with the gold you faulted
Enigmatic situation without a resolution revolted
And now this temple falters and topples over
I'm no Tool, but I can progressively move through this
It's happened twice; once more won't kill me.

So I enshroud the features yet again
This mask won't conceal any longer
Long lost lover whose intentions died
And tried to kill me as well
But now it's you and the fake who consume me
To try and stake everything else that matters most to me
You've made fools of yourselves
Because though you win with another at your side,
I don't need another one's flaws to bring me down.

Do you witness this now? I wrote this all by myself
I came from tying down fiction with blood soaked hands
To incomplete phrases of a man who kills the killers.

So I remove this mask, make past memories of this all
Pain without love is cliché, and it surely doesn't help you, doll.
So fuck those two birds, fuck my ode, because I don't owe this life to anyone.
Mother and father are what bred this man with a shell,
But whose mind speaks of matters that make no sense.

Monster I am, yes, but no monster to kill
I simply create my own thrill with masquerades.
I promise, which I do so sparingly, that I'll keep all of your secrets.
Because if this helps understand me more in the audience's eyes,
You've merely scratched the surface of my inner machinations.

Shadow of the Lost
When lights allign, the world is shown.
Lights scatter through fields of gray grown.
Once it shines across it all,
Thousands of people attract.
Gatherings for the fire-red to show,
All but one stands amongst them.
For one, no one could really care.
Just there, amidst the parade.
He walks with the moon,
Eclipse engulfs around the crowd.
Beauty sets in their souls,
For the man, it's always been the same.
And nothing's ever changed.
It's all bound to change,
But the man is forever enraged.
For without one to stand beside him,
He is all but the Shadow of the Lost.

Maybe I Will Just Be Empty
Maybe I should be empty;
Through the thoughts of one majesty.
That this one person may kill me,
And my insides torn out of me.
Through wisps of crisp, sorrowful bliss,
I find myself amidst my own abyss.
Tell me something, are you here?
Do you stay with me, hide me from fear?
Because if you are, why can't I see you?
You say you're here, but I don't see your blue.
A runaway for tonight, I suppose,
And my life a dead rose.
For this end of the week, I'll lay myself to sleep,
Maybe, probably, I will be empty.
It's the happiest thing now that I can do,
And once you're back, I will truly see your blue.

Tell Me
If it is what it is, why do you hide it from me?
I'm always here, deep inside to see.
When you're in this, I'm in this too,
Because I'll never leave an unhappy you.

I'd tear out my heart and leave it on the road,
And let the cars pass by and make it my load.
Because your hidden thoughts are what I desire,
And if that doesn't work, our heart's aren't on fire.
You have to tell me, everything, all within the eye;
I'd kill ten thousand me's and let my brain cells fry.

Don't believe me? Think I'm decieving?
Check again, I'm all recieving.
Because a sad heart from a love-dove,
Is a dead life to a wretched love.

So tell me everything, I'll take it, I promise.
If I don't, I'll obviously have to make it lifeless.
And if the birds do sing, will they sing for us?
Well, with our shit together, we'd make our own chorus.

So tell me everything already,
Let me see your insides.
And if that doesn't work,
I'll starve without the fork.

The Curse
A mask, a cover, is what I seek;
To reach full invisibility from this creek.
Crawling and spawning the demons within,
I crave for more; limb for limb.
A small pond is what I am, with no minerals,
For everything died out, and the killer in rogue.

And infested I may be, with no life to give,
I may just have one secret, from which you shall cringe.

I'm a softy,
I'm a killer,
I'm nothing worth looking at.
If everything were nothing, I still wouldn't be a democrat.
The spaces between life and me
Are all not what it always seems,
Because the spaces are voids within my mind
Exist only in me, and would make the whole world blind.

And diseased I may be, with only death to behold,
I have just one thing, that you must be told.

I'm a cannibal,
I'm a manifestation
Of what you thought was real,
Because the real me would only make you squeal.
This mask I hold, this cover I wear,
Can only be revealed to the one that's aware.

And though rotten I may be, and cursed I've become,
You're all that I have left that's keeping me above.
I have one last thing to tell you that's true.
When everything falls apart, we'll always be me and you.

Two Birds
The wings, shattered and torn...
The skies without a limit.
How do we free ourselves,
From the boundaries we have placed?

And we don't need a savior,
Two Birds fly free of our cages.

We are what we believe,
Without any regrets.
When I fly free with you,
Will our stories ever reach?

And we don't need your sorrow,
Our wings break free of your cages.

How do we free ourselves?
Will our stories ever reach?

And we don't need a savior.
Our wings break free of your cages.

Back Home
I'm gonna come home,
Not for the sake of being alone,
But for the fact that I feel no regret,
With what I'm about to do.

I'll lock you up inside this room,
Where all of your dreams and fantasies come true,
And while you sit and change your clothes,
You'll scream and ache while you're trapped in robes.

Death will cry out "Who goes there!" as you lay dead.
While you sit with your late aunt Sally and your uncle, Fred.
And you'll wake up and see, it was only a dream,
For the true torment has yet to begin.

I'll wrap you in red tape, "Don't worry, Dear,
"I'll cut your limbs off and you'll have no fear
"Of breaking or hurting anymore bones,
"And all of this, you must, you will, atone."

I'm gonna make the birds sing your last song,
As you lay deep within your deathbed.
And the only face you'll ever see in your mind is your killer;