Concerns with my Big Bad

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Concerns with my Big Bad

Postby Tan » Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:58 pm

I posted something like this on a writing forum and that thread did better than expected but as of late has been lacking. So I thought I would post a shortened version here.

Okay I am working on a story about psychics. The psychics have their own planet and there is a school that the big bad went to and the protagonist attends during the story. In said school there are 4 houses, Red for remedial, Green for acceptable, Blue for above average, and Silver for best of the best. Each house is like a rank, each student takes a "test" of sorts to get sorted, and each student gets a colored armband that corresponds with their house. the test measures a psychic's natural abilities rather than book smarts. Reds being the worst house, get the most shit from students and faculty.

The strongest char in the book series got his powers at 16 and was sorted into Red exclusively during the years he attended the school, and he became such a badass that Reds got mocked less and less. But this didn't stop the faculty and students to make the Red students the butt of jokes. The big bad attended this school and got sorted into the Red house each year he attended. He got unusually high amounts of shit from students and teachers even by Red standards. He was subjected to EVERY bullying method in the book on a regular basis and several ways that are exclusive to psychic culture(like the forced memory extraction power but there are many others that involve abuse of psychic power.). He only had 2 friends in his entire school career, The protagonist's mother, and father. the protagonist's father was charismatic and used his charisma to discourage people from bullying the big bad, and he would fight off several bullies a week. However there were so many bullies that the few the father did fight off was barely noticeable despite being an incredibly kind gesture.

the protagonist's mom didn't have the influence or popularity that the father had, but she still managed to keep the female bullies to a minimum. And the big bad respected and admired her alot for it. After graduating the big bad becomes involved with organized crime, and he starts dating the protagonist's mom and the mom becomes ridiculously beautiful. the dates are shifted to odd times because of the big bad's criminal career. At this point he was doing low level shit like trafficking weapons, transporting drugs from place to place, moving heavy boxes at headquarters, and other grunt work. Because his psychic abilities were a joke at this time, he couldn't rise through the ranks. But he noticed something different while being a mob soldier, he got ALOT better treatment here than he did at school. He also grew a dependance on the protagonist's mom, the more he couldn't see her in person, the more it ate at him and twisted his being into the foul state it is during the story.

The mob scientists were working on a drug that is like steroids for the mind. Their plan was to make super soldiers and take over their country with the soldiers. the big bad was patient zero for this drug. they warned him it could kill him and its not known whether he'll live or die, but it will make him VERY ill either way. Not caring whether he lived or died, he took the serum and drank every last drop. He became so violently ill that he contemplated suicide seconds after drinking it. but after the side effects wore off, he was a changed man. The serum made his mind VERY powerful and extremely energy efficient( not to the point where he is unbeatable though. He can and WILL be defeated in the end but only just barely...It ain't an easy victory). not only was his powers altered, but he became VERY intelligent as well. The serum more than quadrupled his brain power, sharpened his memory 10 fold, and even enhanced his vision. The serum would kill other human test subjects, and the mob could not replicate the results with the big bad's case.

With this power he became filled with hope. He could now do something about his past, he could now. . . purge the world of bullies and the like. And with this goal he soared through the ranks and became known by a new name. this persona he created became the most feared mob boss on the planet and their world has 28 billion people. He was doing higher level crimes and still somehow managed to date the protagonist's mom. one day on a date he told the mom he was in the mob and she was disgusted with him. Had this date gone well she would have slept with him, they were that far. But the nail in the coffin was an act after the meal.

They were outside the restaurant and witnessed an old lady getting mugged. the big bad says "wait here" and lunges after the mugger. He kills the mugger with his bare hands, not with psychic powers, but by the power of his hands and physical might. blood is splattered all over his dress cassock(this is a formal garment that psychics wear that looks like a suit jacket at the top, and is long at the bottom like a cassock. this garment is considered the most formal attire available. The regular cassock and the suit are considered formal as well but not as formal as the dress cassock. government workers, celebrities, and important people would wear them.) and face. And the mom sees the big bad lick his lips clean of the blood particles splattered on his face. She dumps him then and there, and this destroys the big bad and the entirety of his being. But this is nothing compared to a future event that will hit him even harder than this.

He develops a dependency on alcohol and drugs to cope, but he gets more cold and callous and uses this pain to further his criminal career. He does very high level crimes at this point but his foulest is kidnapping children and selling them as slaves to anyone who can pay the fee regardless of intent and background of the customer. He hates children, and he finds any child who has bullied someone(he can single them out because with the way I set up psychic powers, bullying can leave a special and distinct trace on your mind that lasts for up to twenty years after you committed the act.) regardless of their gender, and race. He takes great pleasure in selling these children to anyone, and doesn't care what the customer plans to do with the child.

His other friend, the father, pursued a career in governmental law enforcement, so the big bad decides to use his real name and enter politics. he becomes head of an organization called the Bureau of Psychic Activity. The bpa does most of the work in regards to running to country where as the chancellor of the psychic's version of the USA has only 2 powers the BPA doesnt have. 1: ability to declare war, 2: command of military deployment. other than that, the BPA pretty much calls the shots. So the leader of the BPA is regarded as the administration's namer rather than the chancellor. therefore, the big bad's surname is the name of the administration. they don't let anyone become head of the bpa, you have to be a very powerful psychic with no criminal history, and the big bad used a different persona as his criminal career so his birth name was clean.

Not knowing anyone else to turn to, the protagonist's mom gets in contact with the father and the two start dating. At this point in time the mom is so beautiful that men typically fight over her and she cannot trust anyone other than the big bad and the father, and because the big bad is a monster, the only man she can hook up with, is the father. Since they were good friends as children, things progress really fast. The father is ready to propose to the mom in just 1 month of dating. So they get married and invite the big bad to their marriage. The big bad doesn't show. This destroys him worse than the breakup... any last hope of him being redeemable, was crushed in this detrimental blow to his being. He couldn't fathom what had just happened. His childhood friend married his love interest.

In addition to ridding the world of bullies and the like, he must also kill the father's offspring and entire family with the exception of the mom, the mom shall be his or die! So he hates the family of the protagonist with every fiber of his being. every breath the protagonist takes, is an assault to his honor. and he has the purest hatred them as it is possible to have. he hates them just as much as he hates bullies. So he plans to purge the world of bullies, to do this he must rule the world, and to do that, he must start and win world war 5. By the 2000s the psychics have had 4 world wars while the humans only had 2. once the world is his, he can purge it of the protagonist's family and bullies. ironically, he has become the ultimate embodiment of what he hates most, a bully.

I salute you for making it this far, it was a bit detailed, but my post on the writing forum, was alot wordier. Now time for my actual concerns...I was thinking about giving him abusive/unloving parents in addition to all he's suffered, but I think that's going a bit overboard. I am also worried about giving him mental illnesses and or emotional disorders because it perpetuates the stereotype, that people with mental issues are evil. I am worried on the strength he has as a villain. not his powers, because I made him a badass after the serum, but I mean, I want him to be a good villain like hannibal lector, the joker, or Darth fucking Vader. I gave him a legit reason to despise the protagonist and oppose him with every fiber of being. and being the head of government, he can control just about aspect of the protagonist's life. Oh and he becomes chancellor at one point so he can send the military after the protagonist. Yea I know its probably overkill but this guy is thorough! The big bad is arguably more important than the protagonist and I worried I am doing something wrong. My soulmate said he is a pretty solid villain, but I would appreciate detailed feedback on what you think about him. All I can offer you for doing so is my services, I will help you with your writing needs if I can, or you can request pivot stuff from me. I am a pretty good stk maker, and I have a few pivs that aren't on the animation request piv thread. So I am of some use. But yea I want honest, detailed, and constructive feedback on my big bad.
Last edited by Tan on Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Concerns with my Big Bad

Postby Cowboy Memebop » Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:03 pm

i guess the concept has somewhat potential (although it's all over the place) but i don't really see it as captivating because it's more of a summary in its current form

did you write out any of the actual story yet
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Re: Concerns with my Big Bad

Postby Kev » Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:14 pm

im just wonder if you know what a linebreak is
if you don't its basically when you make a new line
my eyes already hurt
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Re: Concerns with my Big Bad

Postby Alca » Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:20 pm

Whoah! Use paragraph spacing man. At that rate, no-ones going to be reading your story on the basis of it being too tedious to even look at.

I tried to skim through it, but honestly, space it out. My eyes are literally hurting.

As for the story itself, it does seem a little all over the place. Some of the ideas are ok but it could do with being a little more focused.

Look how much easier it is to read when you space it out.

Okay I am working on a story about psychics. The psychics have their own planet and there is a school that the big bad went to and the protagonist attends during the story. In said school there are 4 houses, Red for remedial, Green for acceptable, Blue for above average, and Silver for best of the best. Each house is like a rank, each student takes a "test" of sorts to get sorted, and each student gets a colored armband that corresponds with their house. the test measures a psychic's natural abilities rather than book smarts. Reds being the worst house, get the most shit from students and faculty. The strongest char in the book series got his powers at 16 and was sorted into Red exclusively during the years he attended the school, and he became such a badass that Reds got mocked less and less. But this didn't stop the faculty and students to make the Red students the butt of jokes.

The big bad attended this school and got sorted into the Red house each year he attended. He got unusually high amounts of shit from students and teachers even by Red standards. He was subjected to EVERY bullying method in the book on a regular basis and several ways that are exclusive to psychic culture(like the forced memory extraction power but there are many others that involve abuse of psychic power.). He only had 2 friends in his entire school career, The protagonist's mother, and father. the protagonist's father was charismatic and used his charisma to discourage people from bullying the big bad, and he would fight off several bullies a week. However there were so many bullies that the few the father did fight off was barely noticeable despite being an incredibly kind gesture. the protagonist's mom didn't have the influence or popularity that the father had, but she still managed to keep the female bullies to a minimum. And the big bad respected and admired her alot for it.

After graduating the big bad becomes involved with organized crime, and he starts dating the protagonist's mom and the mom becomes
ridiculously beautiful. the dates are shifted to odd times because of the big bad's criminal career. At this point he was doing low level shit like trafficking weapons, transporting drugs from place to place, moving heavy boxes at headquarters, and other grunt work. Because his psychic abilities were a joke at this time, he couldn't rise through the ranks. But he noticed something different while being a mob soldier, he got ALOT better treatment here than he did at school. He also grew a dependance on the protagonist's mom, the more he couldn't see her in person, the more it ate at him and twisted his being into the foul state it is during the story. The mob scientists were working on a drug that is like steroids for the mind. Their plan was to make super soldiers and take over their country with the soldiers. the big bad was patient zero for this drug. they warned him it could kill him and its not known whether he'll live or die, but it will make him VERY ill either way.

Not caring whether he lived or died, he took the serum and drank every last drop. He became so violently ill that he contemplated suicide seconds after drinking it. but after the side effects wore off, he was a changed man. The serum made his mind VERY powerful and extremely energy efficient( not to the point where he is unbeatable though. He can and WILL be defeated in the end but only just barely...It ain't an easy victory). not only was his powers altered, but he became VERY intelligent as well. The serum more than quadrupled his brain power, sharpened his memory 10 fold, and even enhanced his vision. The serum would kill other human test subjects, and the mob could not replicate the results with the big bad's case. With this power he became filled with hope. He could now do something about his past, he could now. . . purge the world of bullies and the like. And with this goal he soared through the ranks and became known by a new name. this persona he created became the most feared mob boss on the planet and their world has 28 billion people.

He was doing higher level crimes and still somehow managed to date the protagonist's mom. one day on a date he told the mom he was in the mob and she was disgusted with him. Had this date gone well she would have slept with him, they were that far. But the nail in the coffin was an act after the meal. They were outside the restaurant and witnessed an old lady getting mugged. the big bad says "wait here" and lunges after the mugger. He kills the mugger with his bare hands, not with psychic powers, but by the power of his hands and physical might. blood is splattered all over his dress cassock(this is a formal garment that psychics wear that looks like a suit jacket at the top, and is long at the bottom like a cassock. this garment is considered the most formal attire available. The regular cassock and the suit are considered formal as well but not as formal as the dress cassock. government workers, celebrities, and important people would wear them.) and face. And the mom sees the big bad lick his lips clean of the blood particles splattered on his face. She dumps him then and there, and this destroys the big bad and the entirety of his being. But this is nothing compared to a future event that will hit him even harder than this.

He develops a dependency on alcohol and drugs to cope, but he gets more cold and callous and uses this pain to further his criminal career. He does very high level crimes at this point but his foulest is kidnapping children and selling them as slaves to anyone who can pay the fee regardless of intent and background of the customer. He hates children, and he finds any child who has bullied someone(he can single them out because with the way I set up psychic powers, bullying can leave a special and distinct trace on your mind that lasts for up to twenty years after you committed the act.) regardless of their gender, and race. He takes great pleasure in selling these children to anyone, and doesn't care what the customer plans to do with the child. His other friend, the father, pursued a career in governmental law enforcement, so the big bad decides to use his real name and enter politics. he becomes head of an organization called the Bureau of Psychic Activity.

The bpa does most of the work in regards to running to country where as the chancellor of the psychic's version of the USA has only 2 powers the BPA doesnt have. 1: ability to declare war, 2: command of military deployment. other than that, the BPA pretty much calls the shots. So the leader of the BPA is regarded as the administration's namer rather than the chancellor. therefore, the big bad's surname is the name of the administration. they don't let anyone become head of the bpa, you have to be a very powerful psychic with no criminal history, and the big bad used a different persona as his criminal career so his birth name was clean. Not knowing anyone else to turn to, the protagonist's mom gets in contact with the father and the two start dating.

At this point in time the mom is so beautiful that men typically fight over her and she cannot trust anyone other than the big bad and the father, and because the big bad is a monster, the only man she can hook up with, is the father. Since they were good friends as children, things progress really fast. The father is ready to propose to the mom in just 1 month of dating. So they get married and invite the big bad to their marriage. The big bad doesn't show. This destroys him worse than the breakup... any last hope of him being redeemable, was crushed in this detrimental blow to his being. He couldn't fathom what had just happened. His childhood friend married his love interest. In addition to ridding the world of bullies and the like, he must also kill the father's offspring and entire family with the exception of the mom, the mom shall be his or die!

So he hates the family of the protagonist with every fiber of his being. every breath the protagonist takes, is an assault to his honor. and he has the purest hatred them as it is possible to have. he hates them just as much as he hates bullies. So he plans to purge the world of bullies, to do this he must rule the world, and to do that, he must start and win world war 5. By the 2000s the psychics have had 4 world wars while the humans only had 2. once the world is his, he can purge it of the protagonist's family and bullies. ironically, he has become the ultimate embodiment of what he hates most, a bully.

There's a couple of grammatical errors. Main problem is that spacing though...
Last edited by Alca on Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Concerns with my Big Bad

Postby Tan » Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:30 pm

I put a ton of thought into this. There is much more to it than the first post suggests.
I have a good idea how the trilogy will go, and I had a plan for the first book which is useless now because that plan was made when I intended to write six books. I figured out alot of this universe, but I have essential stuff first and basics down, with alot of fleshing out to do. like their world has 15 countries and I thought of a flag design for only one of them, and a currency system for two, but I have names for all of 'em even though I plan on changing a few. critical stuff is figured out, but there is lots of lore stuff and other things that need love, like I made a spectator sport for the psychics to play, but I don't have the rules defined very well. I have play session names and scoring detail, but lack fouls and such. I also have a rough first draft that is 101420 words long but that is messy as hell, and outdated because of my Trilogy revelation. there is alot more to this then i explained in the first post. the first post was just an overview of the big bad with minimal spoilers. Like he does crimes like grand larceny, arson, racketeering, weapons trafficking, money laundering, conspiracy, sedition, espionage, embezzling, drug trafficking, slavery, prostitution, identity theft, murder, etc. and he has 2 names, his birth name, and his crime lord moniker. And he only wants to dominate the world so he can purge it of undesirables, and not for the sake of he's evil. His heinous acts have pure intent, I think that characteristic makes him a more dynamic villain. the school has a name too, as does the protagonist and his parents. The protagonist's name is a hint at his moral fiber even. On the subject of names, the big bad has a tough sounding last name. I think it compliments his personality quite well which is why I can't imagine him any other way when it comes to names. I also came up with 54 unique psychic power forms that are barely any foothold for a dynamic and versatile art. I need to create WAY more powers but I have the big ones down like clairvoyance, dowsing, a blasting power, a killing power, a torture power, etc. I even invented a weapon for psychics to use that acts kind of like a wizard's wand and a light saber all in one package!

@ Alca: Yea, I probably should have...fuck it, gonna edit.

Edit: Fixed, sorry bout that...
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