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Re: League of draven

Postby Kev » Tue May 13, 2014 12:40 am

fucking bronze too hard why am i doing way more consistent in plat than bronze now LOL
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Re: League of draven

Postby XElite109 » Tue May 13, 2014 5:18 am

yo guys Ii've been trying to download league onto my mac but once it stays in sleep mode for too long I'm forced to restart the download i get to 70 and 80 percent and it just freezes what should i do?
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Re: League of draven

Postby Mitch » Tue May 13, 2014 7:45 am

Can I request that this thread name actually be changed to "League of Legends"
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Re: League of draven

Postby Caleb » Tue May 13, 2014 11:00 am

That'd be great yeah.

On another note, Braum's as fun as I thought he would be. Now I'll have to wait a couple months before I can start spamming him because he's everywhere now.
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Re: League of draven

Postby Kev » Tue May 13, 2014 12:51 pm

XElite109 wrote:yo guys Ii've been trying to download league onto my mac but once it stays in sleep mode for too long I'm forced to restart the download i get to 70 and 80 percent and it just freezes what should i do?

i think most people here play windows leeg so maybe go find a solution yourself?

braum feels pretty mediocre tbh
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Re: League of draven

Postby Caleb » Tue May 13, 2014 1:51 pm

He actually feels pretty strong for me. In lane I can usually get an advantage by all-in trades, don't ask me why but trades usually go in my favor. Then in teamfights if we have a decent engage he's just a good follow-up tank with some nice peel. Basically a better Nami in teamfights.
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Re: League of draven

Postby XElite109 » Tue May 13, 2014 2:43 pm

金剛デース! wrote:
XElite109 wrote:yo guys Ii've been trying to download league onto my mac but once it stays in sleep mode for too long I'm forced to restart the download i get to 70 and 80 percent and it just freezes what should i do?

i think most people here play windows leeg so maybe go find a solution yourself?

braum feels pretty mediocre tbh

Thanks that helped so much...... (confused
Ok so does anyone have a solution for the lag and constant dcing I get on my laptop :/
As for Braum he seems like a really strong character and his passive seems insane in lane the constant stuns because his allies attacks add to the concussion stacks seems really op cause a stun in General can be the difference between life or death. Plus the fact he can negate ults like ez and all these other carries ( if it's the first to hit him) make it amazing like having a freaking yasuo windwall except its moveable.and to top it all off he won't go down...he's way to tanks to even kill in a team fight.
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Re: League of draven

Postby SuperNoob » Tue May 13, 2014 3:46 pm

XElite109 wrote:
金剛デース! wrote:
XElite109 wrote:yo guys Ii've been trying to download league onto my mac but once it stays in sleep mode for too long I'm forced to restart the download i get to 70 and 80 percent and it just freezes what should i do?

i think most people here play windows leeg so maybe go find a solution yourself?

braum feels pretty mediocre tbh

Thanks that helped so much...... (confused
Ok so does anyone have a solution for the lag and constant dcing I get on my laptop :/
As for Braum he seems like a really strong character and his passive seems insane in lane the constant stuns because his allies attacks add to the concussion stacks seems really op cause a stun in General can be the difference between life or death. Plus the fact he can negate ults like ez and all these other carries ( if it's the first to hit him) make it amazing like having a freaking yasuo windwall except its moveable.and to top it all off he won't go down...he's way to tanks to even kill in a team fight.

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Re: League of draven

Postby Shad Shadson » Tue May 13, 2014 4:46 pm

Caleb wrote:He actually feels pretty strong for me. In lane I can usually get an advantage by all-in trades, don't ask me why but trades usually go in my favor. Then in teamfights if we have a decent engage he's just a good follow-up tank with some nice peel. Basically a better Nami in teamfights.

Probably because W gives you free armor + mr. I dunno how much, but it makes sense. Part of the reason Graves shits on so many lanes is because of his Grit stacks. So now a champion gives free armor + mr like graves, but now he also sets up stuns for you and blocks abilities for you. Yeah, no wonder right?

Plus braum has the dumbest set up for his ult world. Imagine wukong had safeguard instead of decoy, and then after safeguarding could ult. That's Braum basically. You can Stand Behind Me! into ult (the ult is dumb as fuck btw, who though making zyra ult smaller but giving it a rumble ult line jutting out of it and combining the two cc effects was a good idea?)

I dunno his strength exactly, but I don't think he's on the weak side for sure. I think he's gonna take some getting used to but I think after that he'll be a decent if not thresh-level support albeit not as stupid, so probably like high T2.
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Re: League of Legends

Postby Kev » Tue May 13, 2014 5:43 pm

his w's free armor starts at 20 and ends at 30
Bonus Armor: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30 (+ 14 / 15.5 / 17 / 18.5 / 20% bonus armor)
considering supports getting bonus armor are extremely limited (i've personally never seen above 50 and thresh's passive doesnt count) his w has incredibly shit scaling but at least it starts off kind of strong
for reference here's what leona gets from her w
Armor: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 20% bonus armor)
she gets his level 5 base value at level 2 w
soraka's w (admittedly it lasts only 2 seconds)
Bonus Armor: 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (+15% AP)

his passive + q can set up ganks of course and synergizes well with lucian/mf/ez/whatever... but so do a lot of supports, it's just a little easier to land. it's probably the better portion of his kit

his e seems op but the 100% damage reduction can be popped with autos and only tanks the damage of projectiles
that means he can still get charmed, get pulled by thresh hook, grabbed by blitz, etc. it's not horrible but it certainly doesnt feel super strong

his ult is just what shad says, which is strong i guess. if you think about it a lot of support ults are fairly strong like this and it definitely doesn't feel like this is 100% wincon so i'm just going to leave it at that

tl;dr definitely not worth ban right now
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Re: League of Legends

Postby SuperNoob » Tue May 13, 2014 6:02 pm

Anyone tried top lane Braum, Just for shits and giggles?
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Re: League of draven

Postby Mitch » Tue May 13, 2014 10:37 pm

SuperNoob wrote:Buy Alienware, that is always the solution.

Fucking lol.
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Re: League of draven

Postby Raymond » Tue May 13, 2014 11:38 pm

Mitch wrote:
SuperNoob wrote:Buy Alienware, that is always the solution.

Fucking lol.

I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. But if not that's the worst advice I've heard someone give.
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Re: League of Legends

Postby Caleb » Wed May 14, 2014 2:58 am

SuperNoob wrote:Anyone tried top lane Braum, Just for shits and giggles?

Seen people do it, it'll be gone in a week. You can't hold your lane with the way your early game works. The only positive sides are your ult and your stun for gank synergy. If you're up against a remotely decent top laner you'll just get zoned and never get the items you wish to have at top.
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Re: League of Legends

Postby Shad Shadson » Wed May 14, 2014 3:29 am

金剛デース! wrote:his w's free armor starts at 20 and ends at 30
Bonus Armor: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30 (+ 14 / 15.5 / 17 / 18.5 / 20% bonus armor)
considering supports getting bonus armor are extremely limited (i've personally never seen above 50 and thresh's passive doesnt count) his w has incredibly shit scaling but at least it starts off kind of strong
for reference here's what leona gets from her w
Armor: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+ 20% bonus armor)
she gets his level 5 base value at level 2 w
soraka's w (admittedly it lasts only 2 seconds)
Bonus Armor: 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (+15% AP)

Here's the thing, that's for TWO people though. So really you're getting the same amount of stats leona gets between two people. Graves only gets +10 armor/mr ALL GAME. Braum w level 1 gives you double that, and it scales with tank stats HE BUYS (Ie: sit on your carry and give them a chainvest + negatron worth of free armor+mr late game, as well as the ability to fucking stun people. Cool yeah 10/10). Soraka is dumb but yeah it's only for two seconds AND if you can afford the mana+cdr to spam that late game as a support you're probably winning hard anyways. I feel like the soraka one is kind of cheating (but I'll admit you're right) as she's mainly a midlaner now (a dumb one at that but still a midlaner). Graves/Raka has been dumb as fuck (and personally one of my fave lanes to play) since S2 for a reason, though.

I dunno I still think Braum Knockup is fucking aids. It's literally zyra ult with a line jutting out of it. Sure it doesn't do the same amount of damage zyra ult CAN do (a million), but it's still a knockup.

That zyra root that was gonna hit two people? Only hits one now. Charm is really a moot point because if he was standing in front of someone he was eating it anyways. Same with thresh hook. Really, in that case Stand Beside Me! means more because you can W to the person they're targeting and eat it for them. You're thinking about the entirely WRONG situations Unbreakable is useful against, ie: a press r composition.

Ults/things worth blocking with braum e:

MF ult (might get played soon I've been hearing a lot of good things about that rework)
Ezreal ult (not played much, but still)
Graves ult (Played a lot, and a lot of graves' damage comes from the spread on collateral damage)
Twitch ult (If Spray and Pray only hits one person it's a waste of an ult. If you can reliably block 2/3 of the damage from spray and pray you might have just won the teamfight for your team off that ALONE)
Jayce E-Q* (I don't know about this one, would the explosion radius after it hit you not blow back onto your team? If so, this is BIG. If not, well then this doesn't matter because the explosion will hit and fucking chunk everyone anyways.)
Jinx Ult* (Same Caveat as Jayce E-Q, if the explosion blowback still hits then this is fucking useless to block, otherwise this could end up saving one teammate if not more easily)
Ashe Ult* (Depends if the stun/slow is gone if you block it with e. I'd imagine it is, in which case you're literally taking one for the team, but you'd also have been better off with black shield in this case, so who knows.)
Zyra e (if this is gonna hit a ton of people and you block it that's CC blocked for the team)
Leona e ( same thing here)

Yeah you can stop the 100% damage reduction with an AA, but he still gets damage reduction after and it still doesn't go through. Look at how many carries have their ults stopped pretty much entirely by this.

Though you may have a point that it might not always be worth it. A lot of the CC ones can be just as easy to stop with Black Shield, and that doesn't put anyone in danger. I think this is a tool to deal with "Press R" comps and MAYBE poke comps primarily, but I can see why you think it's weak because it's pretty much only useful to block damage and probably useless as fuck to block cc (bar things like leona e? There's not very many I can think of.) Still, blocking cc is kind of what Stand Behind Me! is for.

That's why i've put him in lower T1 Upper T2 atm. That's around where Alistar-Annie-Leo-Lulu-Nami are, and I think that's pretty accurate. The top supports right now (karma/thresh/morg) either get massive utility while not putting themselves in danger or are so well incentivized for putting themselves in danger that they don't fucking care anyways.
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