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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 11:22 pm
by Jon ... ion-4-Xbox

GTA V is now coming to PC and Next Gen.

Honestly, I've been waiting for this for ages. As much as I know Kody hates me saying this, I'll probably have three copies of the game (360, PC and Xbox One)


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:13 am
by tenks
But. Will it run on 60 fps 1080p?


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:34 am
by MCToast
3 same games? You're an idiot...


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:01 am
by Jon
How am I an idiot?
I gave my 360 to my sister, so I want to play it on xbox one with my mates.
PC allows for modding, which will be awesome in something as vast as GTA V.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:03 am
by Alca
I've got GTA V on 360. I wasn't a huge fan of the multiplayer and once I completed it I didn't really play it much.

I'm looking forward to the prospect of it coming out on PC though, there'll be a lot of potential for modding.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:07 am
by Jon
See I really enjoyed the multiplayer, but I sort of forgot about it. Now I'm really amped to play the game again, with more focus on multiplayer.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:18 am
by Skype
Was over hyped and shit purely because they promised features that we still don't have. Story line was great but short.

All the game needs is the ability to set up your own heists. A feature that we were told we'd have, however I'm still waiting. Online is a cesspit of shitty players and that's why I don't play it; it's incredibly irritating that they've added new content for online and not single player. It's the same fucking code, there is no excuse.

I forgot about this game a week after I completed it. Which is sad, but it's what happens when developers promise things then take months to deliver. I expected more from rockstar but they've a lot of gamers down. Modding on PC will be cool but not enough to get me to buy it again.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:21 am
by Jon
Apparently the heists are coming end of this month, but who knows. I remember thinking it would be a month or two after multiplayer came out, but nope.

If they add in expansions like they did with GTA IV like TBoGT (The Ballad of Gay Tony) and TLaD (The Lost and Damned) then I'd be happy.

I still fucking loved the game, and playing multiplayer with mates was a lot of fun.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:52 am
by MCToast
I always thought heists were in, I played the game for like an hour and then forgot about it.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:43 pm
by Gary
I got uninterested after this game after the SP. The leveling takes fucking ages and it's terribly hard to get money.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:45 pm
by qbeef
I was mostly excited because of the "but u'll never ever have gta v on pc" argumenent. other than that, i'll mostly play for mods and screwing around with friends.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:10 pm
by Gage
Gary wrote:I got uninterested after this game after the SP. The leveling takes fucking ages and it's terribly hard to get money.

That's life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:29 pm
by Jon
I had heaps of money, I don't know what you're on about Gary.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:57 pm
by Faded
Gary wrote:I got uninterested after this game after the SP. The leveling takes fucking ages and it's terribly hard to get money.

I've barely played GTA V if at all considering I originally had no desire to pick it up for the Playstation 3, and even I know ways that you can make money. It all really just boils down to grinding missions that make you money.

I was actually thinking about picking up the Xbox One or perhaps even a PS4 for some of the games they announced yesterday at E3, but I think I'm definitely leaning towards the One because of this and Sunset OverDrive. It would be nice to get back into playing a GTA game but I honestly wanted to wait until the price dropped or they released the game on the "next gen" consoles.


PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:09 pm
by Jojishi
I didn't think they'd do this. At first it sounded like good news to me, but then I was a little upset by it. The whole point of GTA V was that it pushed the 360 and PS3 to their limits. There was just something magical about it. It was the defining game for those consoles.

There's also too many games doing this re-mastered business. Forking out the same price of admission for basically the same game, except in higher resolution, extra detailed textures and better draw distances just doesn't sit well with me. They already sold well over 30 million copies of the game. They're also devoting all this time towards re-mastering a game that's already released. I'd rather they worked on a true next gen game, like Agent.

The online component of GTA V just wasn't that good. You can feel however you want about it. If anyone enjoys GTA Online then all the power to them. It just didn't seem good at all to me. The single player is where it's at. GTA's never been an online experience. It only started when they saw the selling point it made. All games do it now to try and cash in on the success COD had.

Disregarding that, even the single player wasn't as good as it could have been. The story was an absolute mess, which is a shame because Rockstar generally do very well in this aspect. It started off well, then it just went downhill as soon as Trevor visited Los Santos. The game had an identity crisis of sorts and couldn't tell if it wanted the player to take it seriously or like a joke. One moment you're meant to laugh at Trevor (since he's basically there for comic relief) and then you're meant to feel sorry for him in the next scene. The villains weren't memorable at all. The final mission was a complete cop out that tried to tie all the loose ends together but failed miserably. I could go on and on.

The sheer amount of content in the game is where it soared, which is what GTA IV failed at. But overall, it was disappointing that they fixed things that were wrong in GTA IV, but then screwed up in areas they normally excelled in. No idea what they were thinking.

I've sort of rambled off there, but just thought I'd throw in my two cents. I'm glad that the PC version is actually happening though. That in particular is fantastic news. I can't wait to see the mods for that.