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Re: Rank? Mid beginner at least?

Post by Purp3L »

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Re: Mix n match em

Post by Cheese »

you posted that in the pa chat ^.^ it looks so cool, i love that effect
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Re: Mix n match em

Post by Coweetie »

I like how chilled he is standing there before procceeding to load the gun :D
it's also nice to see a colored background instead of the usual plain white.
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Re: Spidrmn

Post by Purp3L »

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Re: Spidrmn

Post by Purp3L »

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Re: Spidrmn

Post by The Black Mamba »

This is kind of short to CC, but if I had to point out any flaws I couldn't. Your movements were fluid, they flowed together perfectly. This is definitely intermediate quality and I would make you a move up thread if this were longer and had a story line. Make something longer next time and you'd probably get moved up.
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Re: Spidrmn

Post by Purp3L »

Added some stuff to it, but made it not inters quality in the process.

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Re: Spidrmn

Post by Caleb »

Before I CC I'm gonna say I'd much prefer it if you would use proper grammar, you look retarded not spelling things out.

Alright, so now we got that out of the way, let's go.

Your style is sort of odd. The poses are slightly off most the time but the spacing looks pretty good overall. I like how you make entertaining things though, it's a nice traits most beginners don't have.

So in depth about your poses. You seem to have the arms a bit too far out a lot. It makes the stickfigure look very odd, try standing in front of the mirror and do the poses your sticks go in, you'll probably see what I mean.

Also, don't get overwhelmed if you have a lot of sticks. Take your time with them and animate them one at a time. I can see that you half-assed the stickfigure part of Dr Octopus as well as Spiderman in the scene where they collide.

That's all I really have to say now, just work on your poses mainly. High beginner for now.
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Re: Spidrmn

Post by Faded »

Here's some constructive criticism for you as you animate; I'd like to personally go through each of your animations that you have up on your thread at this moment and let you know what I think of them and what you can fix because if you were to actually animate something with length and take some of the things that have been put before my post, you could easily make the Intermediate rank. Like my post I did on Mizu's thread, I am going to be picking each of these animations out piece by piece so I do apologize if I come off as a jerk or anything because that isn't my intention. Let's get started shall we?

First and foremost, I would like to say that the beginning of this animation didn't look too bad at all. I did enjoy the run that you had your Spider Man character do. The only thing I can really say about the beginning is to just watch on how "floppy" you make the back and the other joints when you start the run. If you look at an actual run, you can see that the joints primarily don't do what you are portraying in an animation, they are stiff. Seeing as this seems to be your style for this animation, I guess I can let it go but if you were going for a more realistic animation you would definitely want to watch. I do have to agree with Caleb on his post about the poses and I'm not really going to elaborate with that one since he already has but the only thing I can say is to watch on how awkward some of your poses can be. Poses are a 1/3 of an animation and quite frankly it can make or break an animation. Going into the Doctor Octopus scene in this animation, I would have tried to make the backbone a bit more consistent in your movements. If you look at the perspective of your animation, you would think the tentacles would move the backbone a bit more instead of them making the backbone more static if anything. Going into one thing I did not particularly care too much for your animation was just how Spider Man landed. When Spider Man was thrown to the ground, instead of portraying how much power was put into him slamming the ground; it just ended abruptly and way too sudden making it look subpar compared to the rest of the animation which wasn't bad. Finally, another thing I can point out is when Spider Man shot his web and went up into the air; there is no power behind him getting off the ground. I would definitely watch this one over and over and try to improve on this because the rest of the animation shows that the web does have the capability of keeping him in the air; however in this scene it just doesn't really make too much sense. Maybe I'm overanalyzing but I would at least try to portray some power behind it. Aside from those flaws and everything, the animation is okay and I can definitely commend you for using different camera angles to draw the watcher in.

This animation is short so I'm going to keep my remarks to this one short and concise. Again, watch your poses while you are animating because it looks like your character in this animation while he walks and even pulls the gun up, is overextending itself. The only real thing that bothered me with this animation was the gunshot. I say this because it looked like there was no power going into the arm or backbone while the gun was fired. I would go and ask yourself these questions when you animate a gun:

-What for gun is it?
-What is its fire rate?
-How much kickback (recoil) does this gun have when being shot?

So say you animate someone firing a gun like a .50 Desert Eagle, you would want to portray the power that the weapon is capable of and move all of the joints in the affected area when that bullet is released. You would need to move the backbone (albeit not too much depending on the weapon) and the arm to show that the gun has power. If you are ever unsure about what it will look like, go to YouTube and watch videos of people firing those weapons and try to animate what you see. In the long run, it will help you gain an idea on how to animate that kickback. It's definitely a good attempt but just that one major flaw is what's keeping it back from being excellent.

I don't really have too much to say about this one, I do like it.

The last animation on your thread that I saw, I will flat out say that I did not like this one. It's not that the animation itself was bad but it's just the movements and the poses. It follows the pattern that I've seen on your thread and you can pick out on what I mean by reading the previous critiques I've written thus far within this post.

You do have the potential to be a great animator and you were trying to prove that in your Spider Man animation. The major things you really need to work on with your animations is mainly the poses and your portrayal of power. Your movements in the Spider Man animation alone show me that you can animate at an almost if not Intermediate quality but it's those things that are holding you back from getting moved up. If I may make a suggestion to you, that would be animate a few tests before moving onto the next project. The more tests you make, you can try and define your style a lot more plus the more practice you would be getting by animating those short clips.
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Re: Spidrmn

Post by Ashero »

is this pi
remember me?
i said i hated the ock-tober joke :I
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Re: Spidrmn

Post by Purp3L »

well I added some shit the the spiderman animation
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Re: Spidrmn

Post by Jojishi »

That Spiderman animation looks great so far. I can't give much advice other than what's been said, but the new stuff you added to it looks really great. The part where Spiderman's thrown looks quite cool, and the scene at the end had some great flow to it. I'm looking forward to more. :)
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Re: Spidrmn

Post by Juke »

Faded for Rank Team?
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Re: Flkd Ts

Post by Purp3L »

Bump on my mouth?
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Re: Flkd Ts

Post by Four »

Nice Pi