Llama's Animations - Failed ShadLith Joint

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Llama's Animations - Failed ShadLith Joint

Postby Llama » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:46 pm

I'm Llama and I make stuff.


Beginner: November 24, 2013

Intermediate: September 19, 2015

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Elite: ???


Intermediate Animations

Failed Shadow Lith Collab joint with Flame, Chris (Four), and Pops. Flame and I were the only ones that managed to do something before we trashed it.


Alright well since Lizzard97 is taking forever on that second half of the Doors Tribute Collab I'll just show off everything I made for it now. One of the entries is an incomplete joint that I couldn't get the full version of because I have no idea who has it and I haven't talked to Lizzard in months so yeah enjoy.

I can't be fucked to try and gif every single animation (trust me it'd be hell) so here's a video instead.

phpBB [video]

jesus christ its been six months im gonna go get some wd40



Two little things I worked on the past two days. Credits to Waffles for the guns.

One of my entries I just finished for the Door's Tribute Collab. I don't know how horses move lol.
*EDIT: Added some tweaks and movement changes to hopefully make it slightly better*
*EDIT: Fixed the horse's run*
*EDIT: Tweaked the horse's legs a bit more. I hope this is the final edit*


Beginner Animations

My part in a joint entry for the Door's Tribute Collab. Five other people animated their parts before me, and there's a few more piling on if I recall. So far my part is the longest in the joint, coming in at 126 frames out of 300 when I finished. I might put up a video with sounds and stuff later.

I worked for 4 days and 2 all nighters to pull this off for school. Just when I thought I had seized glory, Sony Vegas decides to stop rendering my video after disabling Smart Sampling. After trying to fix it to no avail, I gave up and left sampling on. If someone could recommend a fix for this, I'd be forever grateful. But for now, enjoy the ghost frames.
phpBB [video]

Some gunplay-dancey type stuff. Inspire by This little gem I found

I'm doing a project for school and I'll be doing it in Pivot. Made this to get back into the hang of things.

Boy, kinda feels like the Elite Hall in here, AMIRITE?!
...I'll leave.


A thing I made for Elite44's little beat-'em-up contest before he went quote-on-quote "offline". Decided it would be thread-worthy.

A visual on who will be included in my entry for the Christmas Collab. Sorry for the jumbled mess; I tried to get everything in without the names getting all muddy and the Humvee getting too far in the way. But yeah, that's it. Also, it's hard to see, but every person in the image who has a rifle (and also the ones who don't have one in the image) have their own little decal slapped onto the cheek weld of their respective weapon for the purpose of identification and decoration within the actual collab animation itself. It took me most of the day to finish them all, but it worked out nicely. If anyone wants to get a version of the rifle with their custom decal on it, let me know and I can send it to you.

This is an animation I cobbled together over the course of the weekend and past days for a project for school. I was supposed to make an artist's rendition of a scene from the book, Great Expectations, and so I chose to do the end of Chapter 32 to the beginning-middle of Chapter 33. Anyone who's read the book before may recognize the scene, even though the setting and everything about the scene itself has been modernized (made it SO MUCH easier to animate).
phpBB [video]

SIMON: An Israeli rifle grenade used by the Israeli military as well as US armed forces as a long-range breaching device, used to blast open doors with as little risk to the safety of the soldiers themselves. Great for destroying doors, but maybe as well as a rifle-propelled ordnance?

How long has it been, a month or something? Well, I finally put myself to do something productive and made this. I would really like some feedback on this, given that I haven't touched my laptop in about a month or so and this is my first real animation within that period of time. This animation is partly inspired by a song composed by the band Angels And Airwaves called "Sirens". Great song, worth a listen.

Those times when upgrades and level-ups seem to hurt you more than they help you.

What do you get when you hand a Desert Eagle to a blonde? No offense to any blondes out there...

Mutants...need I say more?

So the mountain drive animation kept dragging on and became boring, so I made this instead.

A peaceful drive through the mountain highway...this is part of a larger animation I'm working on.

Just an average day at the range, clearing jams 'n' shit.

An M16 combo animation.

Okay, fuck what I said about not doing another animation until I'm done with the DDFFA. I actually enjoyed making this loop a lot.

Another DDFFA screenshot. I'm not going to do an actual animation again until I'm finished with the DDFFA, so yeah...

Another screenshot of my DDFFA progress.

My character's demo reel for the DDFFA, showing off his abilities and such.

A screenshot of my DDFFA entry progress.

A test I did with my entry character for the Dark Demon Free-For-All that Stripes started. My character's name is Don and I'm competing against Caleb in the first round.

A quick practice run with shooting. Definite points to work on: Recoil, some shakiness, stiffness.

I tried doing a powerful punch likened to that of Senzo's from his fighting tutorial example.

A second attempt at punches. I tried focusing more on quick jabs rather than dragging them out.

This isn't my newest animation, but I brought it back from Animator.net because I felt that it was one of my best.

I never really dived too much into punches or hand-to-hand combat on Animator.net, so I tried it out here.

My last animation on Animator.net and my newest to date
Last edited by Llama on Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:05 pm, edited 56 times in total.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations -Punches-

Postby Lord » Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:53 am

His legs go stiff in the end, no easing there. Foot placement goes off in the end too. I think the poses could have been better aswell.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations -Punches-

Postby Looz-Ashae » Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:33 am

Copied from you thread on animator.net:

>You did well. But though, the realisation isnt that good. At first, you know.. The rope lacks segments :) . That's kinda obvious due to it hasn't layed on the wall fully and properly. While flying in the air rope could be relaxed. But after leaning to the left and falling into the glass it must be tensed. I guess, you know why? Should I explain?
>Then, you swang the bottom segments correctly, yes. But you should've swang upper segments more active according to physics. According to pendulum and friction between the rope and the thing to which it is fixed, swinging has to slow down. Your rope didn't seem to do that. On the contrary, it continued to swing faster. But the rope physics isn't that simple. Some of elements of rope according ot wave nature of swing effect can affect on the velocity of bottom segments, increasing it. Sorry for complicated explanation, but you must know that this situation isnt that simple.
>Also, add more segments to the glass. And make the glass thinner in order to make it look like a glass, not a wall, yee know? :)
>Heh, running at the beginning was like sliding in the air. Just stomp with the legs a bit faster.
>I also recommend to make movements smoother. But in previous animations there is actually a balance between stiffness/smoothness. You must try all mistakes on your own, go through it.
>I like your ideas, and the quality of movements is already fine. Just put some flow on it :) . And bgs! Colorful background is a half of success of the animation.

About your punches animation.
Movements are pretty realistic and you put right time on punches. But also move the torso more active with each punch (and watch for easing in this torso).
I would have fixed that little shakiness in arms and wouldn't stopped the stick that fast. Keep an inertia in movements, don't forget about it :) . Thus, don't stop stick's movements too fast. Somehow, it's more pleasant to watch animations with flow. But if you animate fullbody in a real animation, it's not that neccesarry. It would be okay just to use easing. But nevermind.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations -Punches-

Postby Llama » Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:20 pm

Looz-Ashae wrote:Copied from you thread on animator.net:

>You did well. But though, the realisation isnt that good. At first, you know.. The rope lacks segments :) . That's kinda obvious due to it hasn't layed on the wall fully and properly. While flying in the air rope could be relaxed. But after leaning to the left and falling into the glass it must be tensed. I guess, you know why? Should I explain?
>Then, you swang the bottom segments correctly, yes. But you should've swang upper segments more active according to physics. According to pendulum and friction between the rope and the thing to which it is fixed, swinging has to slow down. Your rope didn't seem to do that. On the contrary, it continued to swing faster. But the rope physics isn't that simple. Some of elements of rope according ot wave nature of swing effect can affect on the velocity of bottom segments, increasing it. Sorry for complicated explanation, but you must know that this situation isnt that simple.
>Also, add more segments to the glass. And make the glass thinner in order to make it look like a glass, not a wall, yee know? :)
>Heh, running at the beginning was like sliding in the air. Just stomp with the legs a bit faster.
>I also recommend to make movements smoother. But in previous animations there is actually a balance between stiffness/smoothness. You must try all mistakes on your own, go through it.
>I like your ideas, and the quality of movements is already fine. Just put some flow on it :) . And bgs! Colorful background is a half of success of the animation.

About your punches animation.
Movements are pretty realistic and you put right time on punches. But also move the torso more active with each punch (and watch for easing in this torso).
I would have fixed that little shakiness in arms and wouldn't stopped the stick that fast. Keep an inertia in movements, don't forget about it :) . Thus, don't stop stick's movements too fast. Somehow, it's more pleasant to watch animations with flow. But if you animate fullbody in a real animation, it's not that neccesarry. It would be okay just to use easing. But nevermind.

Thanks for the input. I'll go along what you said.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations -Punches-

Postby Waffles Mgee » Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:36 pm

You'll wanna work on foot placement first. Just make the movement you want, align one foot to the onion skin with the arrow keys, and carefully move the other leg into place.

You might also wanna work on flow. Here's a handy metaphor I came up with to help people with the flowy stuff:

For flow, imagine dots as cars. (except elbows and knees, they fall into place normally.) Now, when cars move they don't jitter, but go along a normal, smooth path. It doesn't really matter right now about elbows and knees, they just make the hands/feet more mobile, and they're what we're focusing on. These things move and turn gradually, and for tight corners (like when you're going to pull your arm back after a punch) these cars don't reverse, but turn around an invisible corner. When cars go around a corner, they slow down as they turn, and speed back up when they get to their lane. Get what I mean? Here's an example I just animated for you:


The orange dot is the origin point, the red dot is the hand, and the green dot is the elbow. I never focus on where the elbow is actually going, unless I want to keep to the limits of the human body, but in this case I just threw that out the window. The RED dot is what I'm focusing on. I don't ever make it go into a different direction suddenly, I have it CURVE to that new direction around invisible balls or ovals. To do this I had to move the elbow as well as the hand but the hand had my focus all along, and without any real intention to, the elbow moves great as well.

Hope this helps!
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations -Punches-

Postby Царица Луна » Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:41 pm

115PIVOT wrote:Image

There needs to be more anticipation for the punches. I think some things you could do to show anticipation is to make the figure's back move back slightly right before a punch and move it forward after a punch; it doesn't necessarily have to be big movement but just enough to show how the rest of the body reacts to the punch movement.

I think another thing you could try is to make the jabs quicker; make the arms more or less back to its previous position the frame after the arm is extended. For a more powerful punch, have the figure charge the punch. Like before, have the back move back a bit as well as the arm moving back for a few frames before the punch. After the punch is done make the figure's continue to react from the powerful foreward arm motion for a couple of frames before being ready to do something else.

This tutorial may help.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations -Punches-

Postby Llama » Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:58 pm

Waffles Mgee wrote:You'll wanna work on foot placement first. Just make the movement you want, align one foot to the onion skin with the arrow keys, and carefully move the other leg into place.

You might also wanna work on flow. Here's a handy metaphor I came up with to help people with the flowy stuff:

For flow, imagine dots as cars. (except elbows and knees, they fall into place normally.) Now, when cars move they don't jitter, but go along a normal, smooth path. It doesn't really matter right now about elbows and knees, they just make the hands/feet more mobile, and they're what we're focusing on. These things move and turn gradually, and for tight corners (like when you're going to pull your arm back after a punch) these cars don't reverse, but turn around an invisible corner. When cars go around a corner, they slow down as they turn, and speed back up when they get to their lane. Get what I mean? Here's an example I just animated for you:


The orange dot is the origin point, the red dot is the hand, and the green dot is the elbow. I never focus on where the elbow is actually going, unless I want to keep to the limits of the human body, but in this case I just threw that out the window. The RED dot is what I'm focusing on. I don't ever make it go into a different direction suddenly, I have it CURVE to that new direction around invisible balls or ovals. To do this I had to move the elbow as well as the hand but the hand had my focus all along, and without any real intention to, the elbow moves great as well.

Hope this helps!

I like the metaphor, it makes the concept better to understand. Thanks.

Krovavaya Luna wrote:
115PIVOT wrote:Image

There needs to be more anticipation for the punches. I think some things you could do to show anticipation is to make the figure's back move back slightly right before a punch and move it forward after a punch; it doesn't necessarily have to be big movement but just enough to show how the rest of the body reacts to the punch movement.

I think another thing you could try is to make the jabs quicker; make the arms more or less back to its previous position the frame after the arm is extended. For a more powerful punch, have the figure charge the punch. Like before, have the back move back a bit as well as the arm moving back for a few frames before the punch. After the punch is done make the figure's continue to react from the powerful foreward arm motion for a couple of frames before being ready to do something else.

This tutorial may help.

I looked at the tutorial before I made the animation. It helped some, but not a whole lot. I tried looking off and copying the animations, but they were half-ass compared to the tutorial examples.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations -Animation From Animator.net

Postby Looz-Ashae » Sun Apr 13, 2014 6:30 am

>to make the figure's back move back slightly right before a punch
That depends of fighting styles. Left hand (not the main) in boxing must be fast and the body doesn't move in the case left hand punches. And the right hand is a heavy one, punch with it requires body movements. Ideally in real life, every punch must be fast. That's not that spectacular. Moreover, people body isn't perfect, as it shown in most DD's veteran/elite animations. It is stiff and shaky in most movements.

But as you said about anticipation, every movement must have it's relatively slow beginning, which then goes into fast action.

>I think another thing you could try is to make the jabs quicker; make the arms more or less back to its previous position the frame after the arm is extended. For a more powerful punch, have the figure charge the punch
>have the back move back a bit as well as the arm moving back for a few frames before the punch
It's too slow. IRL, no one does that. Small and jerky people can strike 3 times in half of a second without moving a torso. I've been hit like that :( . They can even kick without torso movement.
>to react from the powerful foreward arm motion for a couple of frames before being ready to do something else.
That's true. Every movement has an inertia. There are no sudden velocity stops.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations -Animation From Animator.net

Postby Llama » Mon Apr 14, 2014 11:48 pm


New animation up top.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations -Animation From Animator.net

Postby Царица Луна » Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:43 am

115PIVOT wrote:Image

This is a significant improvement over the last animation. Within the first two punch, I'm getting a better sense that the stickfigure has energy. One suggestion I have for this particular section is perhaps make the back movement a bit more subtle (unless perhaps you specifically intended for it to be that way?).

The third punch could use some improvement. I think you should have made one of the arms move back more so that it looks more like the figure is charging up a punch. I might also make the suggestion of removing one frame between the charging and the uppercut to make it look more powerful; generally quicker movement after the charge would look more appropriate I think. Another thing to mention is to make the figure's arm straight immediately after the charge then bend the arm as he is jumping.

To me the stickfigure is in the air a bit too long. I think having him land on the ground 2-3 frames before would look better. Also remember to try to make the figure's movement flow during the jump; it looks choppy.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations - Powerful Punch

Postby Llama » Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:27 am


New punching animation up front.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations - Powerful Punch

Postby The Specter » Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:27 am

Much better than the first attempt, looked more powerful and the motion of the stick figure was done better. It looked more eased overall and better spaced. The back leg shook a little bit though but other than that this animation was definitely a step in the right direction.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations - Powerful Punch

Postby Amir » Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:51 am

Well that punch was pretty good.
I'd say it looks better and had some power but still a bit weird. I think you should have bend his back only when he hits, not befor, it's kinda like he bends his back little by little before he even started the hit, so it would be more powerful if you bend the back in a massive speed when he hits.
But I gotta say it still looks pretty good.
Now the next flaw is the legs movements, they shake a lot and the foot placement is a little bit off, it could be a GIF error though, and at the last frame it seems like the legs just suddenly moved forward.
Other than that it's pretty nice, keep working on movements though.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations - Powerful Punch

Postby Llama » Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:45 pm

The Specter wrote:Much better than the first attempt, looked more powerful and the motion of the stick figure was done better. It looked more eased overall and better spaced. The back leg shook a little bit though but other than that this animation was definitely a step in the right direction.

Thanks. Yeah, I noticed the shakiness of the legs, that's something to work on.

Amir wrote:Well that punch was pretty good.
I'd say it looks better and had some power but still a bit weird. I think you should have bend his back only when he hits, not befor, it's kinda like he bends his back little by little before he even started the hit, so it would be more powerful if you bend the back in a massive speed when he hits.
But I gotta say it still looks pretty good.
Now the next flaw is the legs movements, they shake a lot and the foot placement is a little bit off, it could be a GIF error though, and at the last frame it seems like the legs just suddenly moved forward.
Other than that it's pretty nice, keep working on movements though.

I see where you're coming from, but I feel like bending the back at least a tad before the hit is okay, I mean it gives the sense of building momentum and power, but I can see what you're saying.
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Re: 115PIVOT's Animations - Shooting Practice

Postby Llama » Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:26 am


New animation. A quick rundown on shooting.
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