In MEMEoriam

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Re: In MEMEoriam

Postby Cowboy Memebop » Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:33 pm


i thought this was supposed to be a light-hearted thread about kody dying for like the 3rd time but i guess not. dd isn't the same as it used to be and i agree that people who are cool with kody and da squad (like myself) talk shit about it on end but we still come here and post don't we? just know if we get that fed up with it we're just gonna disappear like kody did i guess

i don't take this site seriously enough to criticize it verbally on the forum. this website has always been about fun for me and now that i don't really animate i just like to talk on the site with other people because members who used to be pretty retarded have matured a lot

everyone needs to chill out lol this shit isn't worth getting salty over. dd ain't dead but i will admit old members like us always bask in the glory days like old people. us complaining shouldn't really get to anyone's heads. it's just something we do all the time when dd comes up in conversation
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Re: In MEMEoriam

Postby Raymond » Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:39 pm

You guys take things way to far sometimes. Stop trying to think so deep, move on with your life, and just enjoy the forum for once.

In regards to Kody leaving, things are a bit confusing right now. If he is in fact ready to retire, we will create a proper goodbye thread later on.
Tychus Findlay
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Re: In MEMEoriam

Postby Juke » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:37 am

What the fuck is going on here? This might be one of the saddest threads I have ever seen on darkdemon.
Do any of you realize tha this forum is what the members make of it? If you want TDD to be a shit hole, post inside jokes and memes that no other members know about except a select few.
If you want TDD to be ANYTHING LIKE the old days, post good comments and have good discussions, act in a behavioral manner and respect other members.
So what if this forum doesn't produce that many good pivot animators anymore, half the members here don't even animate anymore. The majority of members who have lost hope in this community don't even animate anymore. Why can't these members respect topics and other members and have good discussions about their interests if that's all they care about.

I'm unaware of these jokes that Kody is talking about, but in my opinion he may have brought it on to himself. If he doesn't want to be a joke and a meme, why is he apart of a group that shit storms the whole forum with memes? Sounds a bit like hypocrisy to me . If he wants to leave the forums he can, nobody can stop him. However the most mature thing would be to ignore the jokes, stop talking to the people who joke about him. Post decent and respectable content and stop posting and encouraging memes.

The topic is locked, the discussion is now over. I have a feeling of banning all meme pictures and jokes on this forum, along with the poster being banned. This community WILL turn to shit because of the members posting here, nothing else.
Did anybody see the guy asking for people to animate for him and to get paid for it? Personally, I think he was in the wrong place, but did you see his comment about how friendly and active our community is? To people outside of TDD this forum is great, we have some outstanding members here and I'm extremely proud to say that.
If you all want TDD to be anything like it used to be, don't leave and sulk about it. Become active, respect one another, be kind, friendly and post good content. We can make this community thrive if every members partakes.
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