Exercise and Fitness

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Exercise and Fitness

Postby Spock » Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:00 am


As you've probably guessed, this is a thread for discussing fitness and exercise in general. If there's interest, I may write another weight lifting guide for all you guys looking to get started.

Right now I'm on a half-assed cut, meaning I'm at college and its a challenge to regulate my diet at all so I'm trying to just eat healthy and less in general. I'm hoping that I can shed at least a little doing this half-assed kinda thing, since it's really my only option, as actually fitting my diet to a plan would be nearly impossible. I've unfortunately gotten a little sloppy since I've started here.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Spock » Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:00 am

Reserved for potential guide
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Jon » Wed Jan 14, 2015 5:59 am

Here's my workout routine so far:

Biceps and Triceps:

Preacher Curls drop setted 1 link every set. I start on link 7 (35kgs) do 5 reps, drop down to 6 (30kgs) until failure. Start up on 6, 5 reps and drop to 5 til failure, and so on until I get to link 1.

Skullcrushers 3 sets of 8 reps @ 30kgs super setted with close grip bench press until failure

Bicep curls with a bar 3 sets of 5-8 reps @ 30kgs

Hammer Curls 3 sets of 5 @ 15 kgs each arm

Strict form incline bicep curls 4 sets of 5-8 @ 15 kgs each arm (sometimes drop setted to 12.5kgs each arm)

Cable Bicep Curls 3 sets of 8 @ link 9 or 10 (45 - 50kgs) drop setted to link 5 (25kgs) until failure

Cable Tricep push downs with straight bar 3 sets of 10 @ link 9 (45kgs) drop setted to link 5 (25kgs) until failure

Rope Push Downs 3 sets of 10 @ link 9 (45kgs) drop setted to link 5 (25kgs) until failure.

Chest (still a work in progress)

Unfortunately my gym only has a smith machine, and no free barbells. So I had to improvise.

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press - Warm up with 2 sets of 10 @ 15 kgs each arm
- 4 sets of 8 @ 20kgs each arm
Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 sets of 8 @ 17.5 kgs each arm super setted with incline fly's @ 8kgs each arm

Flat Machine Press - 4 sets of 10 @ link 9 (45kgs) drop setted to link 5 (25kgs) until failure

Machine Fly's - 4 sets of 8 @ link 9 (45kgs) super setted with push ups until failure

Shoulders (work in progress)

3 sets of 7 standing overhead press @ 30kgs

3 sets of 8 Arnold Press @ 12.5kgs each arm

3 sets of 8 upward rows @ 25-30kgs

3 sets of 6 standing lateral raise @ 8 kgs each arm super setted with bent over lateral raises @ 12.5kgs each arm

Because of my back and leg muscles being completely fucked (still going through rehab after 3 years), I haven't got a legs or back workout. That will come soon.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Koolcid » Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:16 am

I do a lot of crossfit. So cleans, squats, chin ups, muscle ups, etc.

but I also do a lot of powerlifting, so I do deadlifts, bench, dumbells, and a lot of other stuff. So far, I can bench 145 (My body weight), I can do 15 chinups in a row no stopping, and I can clean lift 100 pounds which is really good for me.

I have a lot more to say but I have to go workout, lol.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Jon » Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:03 am

Please tell me you use proper form unlike most the crossfitters? I've seen some of their deadlifts and it makes me cringe fucking hard.

As for my max bench, got up to 110 kgs (242.5 pounds). Didn't try to go any higher, this was a few months ago.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Juke » Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:33 am

I only weigh 60kg, I'm light as fuck. When I started in the gym I weighed 54 kg so I'm happy how much weight I've put on.
However, after having glandular fever for 3 months straight, and other complications I didn't go to the gym for ages, I can't lift shit these days, I still haven't lost weight though but my strength and size has definitely decreases significantly.
I'm slowly getting back into the gym, I'm starting to see some improvements again but my weights are much lighter.

For the moment I'm strength building so I'm doing about 6-5 reps for every set and doing about 4-5 sets.
I'm benching on flat with 50.5kg atm which isn't too bad as it's nearly my body weight. I could only do 40kg about a month ago when I started again. My max was 80kg before I got sick and stopped going as I mentioned above.
My favourite exercises are probably preacher curls which I am currently curling about 25kg, Flat bench, tricep pull downs and skull crushers.
It's so demotivating right now seeing how much I have lost, and knowing how much I would have gained if I kept going because I was just starting to improve faster and see results quicker. But heck I'll get back there and go beyond if I keep going, I'm making sure I will.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Koolcid » Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:30 pm

Jon wrote:Please tell me you use proper form unlike most the crossfitters? I've seen some of their deadlifts and it makes me cringe fucking hard.

As for my max bench, got up to 110 kgs (242.5 pounds). Didn't try to go any higher, this was a few months ago.

I deadlift like a bodybuilder. I use my legs more than anything, I see crossfitters lifting with their backs and thats all wrong.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby MCToast » Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:35 pm

my max was also 80kg and I started from less than 40kg. I quit as well and I'm not sure if I should start again as it takes a lot of time that could be used in better ways.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Spock » Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:54 pm

Sounds good, guys. What happened to your back and legs, Jon?
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Jon » Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:01 pm

Spock wrote:Sounds good, guys. What happened to your back and legs, Jon?

Stress fractured two of my vertebrae (lumbar 4 and lumbar 5), which threw out all my muscles from there down. It's slowly getting better, I was a bit lazy with my rehab, but it's getting there.

I went from weighing 86kgs, then about 6-7 weeks later I was down to 79-80 (I assume this was fat loss) now I've built up to 88kgs of what I think is muscle. Definitely feel better, and look physically bigger in the mirror.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Raymond » Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:17 pm

When I was at my prime I remember I weighed about 140lbs and my max bench was 200lbs, but I could do 10 sets of 160lbs. I haven't been using the bench lately, but I'd imagine I can do a lot more since I've been doing push ups pretty often.

At the time I was 140lbs I could also curl 10 sets of 100lbs. I worked out everyday after school. Once high school ended for me I started going to the gym a lot, but even that dwindled down. I still have a gym membership, but I enjoy working out at home using my own body weight now with an occasional extra dumbbell or bench weight for situps or something. I don't even know why I pay for the gym because I go maybe 1-2 times a month now. I just prefer working out at home.

Does anyone have a good routine I can do while at home using my own body weight? Right now I do sits ups, push ups, leg lifts, squats, dips, etc. I don't really have a routine, I've just always liked keeping in shape and working out. I should probably follow a set diet and a better routine, but I feel like I don't have the time nor enough dedication for it.

Also I am sorry to hear about that Jon, I hope physical therapy works for you.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Gary » Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:45 pm

I'm a pretty big guy for my age. I'm 5'7, and weigh 200 pounds. I want to start working out, but I've been too lazy/uninspired to workout. Do you guys have any tips for starting off and not stopping to work out?
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Jon » Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:31 am

Gary wrote:I'm a pretty big guy for my age. I'm 5'7, and weigh 200 pounds. I want to start working out, but I've been too lazy/uninspired to workout. Do you guys have any tips for starting off and not stopping to work out?

Tips to start off and not to stop:

Just start. Once you see results (even small results) it's enough motivation to get yourself back in there.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Koolcid » Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:31 pm

*Small bump*

So lately I've been doing full body workouts to try and bulk up, I think its about time I do two muscle workouts to try and build more where I want. I obviously want my biceps to grow, and I want my chest to grow. So I think I'll schedule my workouts from now on, instead of doing the same workout everyday I'm going to do like... Chests and biceps on tuesdays and thursdays, then like legs on wednesday, then core on monday and friday. I'll make a more solid schedule soon since that's just an example but yeah.
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Re: Exercise and Fitness

Postby Spock » Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:47 pm

Koolcid wrote:*Small bump*

So lately I've been doing full body workouts to try and bulk up, I think its about time I do two muscle workouts to try and build more where I want. I obviously want my biceps to grow, and I want my chest to grow. So I think I'll schedule my workouts from now on, instead of doing the same workout everyday I'm going to do like... Chests and biceps on tuesdays and thursdays, then like legs on wednesday, then core on monday and friday. I'll make a more solid schedule soon since that's just an example but yeah.

Oh, most definitely you should be splitting your workouts into muscle groups. Generally doing full body workouts is a bad idea (or rather it's just not as effective). There are a few things you should note though. Just because you are focusing on chest and biceps doesn't mean you should neglect the other muscle groups. In a given week you should work out every major muscle group. Additionally, in my opinion training only core for a day is silly, though you'll find that there's more theories on training abs than anyone could resonably sift through and most of it contradicts itself. I personally train abs for five minutes every time I'm at the gym, and I've made great progress. That being said, that plan may not work for you. I suggest you do some research on an training, find a plan you like, and stick with it for a while. If it works, continue, if not find another one.

Now I also assume you want your biceps to be bigger for aesthetics (which is perfectly valid). A common misconception is that to get great arms you should train your biceps, but triceps are actually the majority of the mass of your arm. Focusing on triceps will actually make your biceps seem much more impressive - they're MUCH more important than biceps in most cases and training to look good is no exception.

Another thing is it's typically better to train muscle groups that complement each other together than train unrelated muscle groups together. Since biceps and chest aren't really related, I'd recommend training them on separate days. A better breakdown might look like this:

Day1: Chest/triceps
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Shoulders and whatever else you like
Day 4: Back/biceps

Day 3 is what I like to call a "garbage day." It's when I hit whatever muscle groups are leftover after sitting them. This is a day you can do a hardcore an workout if you like. In general, chest can go with triceps or shoulders, and back can go with biceps or shoulders. Training bis on chest day isn't a bad choice, just not as good as some of the other breakdowns. One rule that you really SHOULD follow is to always train chest, back, and legs on entirely separate days.

A final note is that 70% of muscle growth is done outside the gym. That means how you eat is MUCH more important than how you work out. If you want some tips on that I'd also be happy to provide some.
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