Dreams Or Nightmares?

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Dreams Or Nightmares?

Post by Llama »

Let's talk about our subconscious slumber visuals.
Last night, I had this weird nightmare where I was in a hotel room with my mom and sister. There was this really odd urban legend swimming around about how if a certain ritual was performed and a specific reaction was drawn from it, then a demonic entity would be summoned. The ritual worked like this:

At least two people were required. One person would be the "sacrifice". The remaining person/people would then have to gouge out an eye from the sacrificed person before disfiguring the sacrificed person's face as well. The sacrifice would then be shown a mirror. If the sacrificed person saw themselves in the mirror and screamed (for obvious reasons), the demonic entity would be summoned ans hunt down the sacrifice, guaranteeing death upon the sacrificed person.

My sister performed the ritual on me while I took a short nap. I felt no pain and when I woke up, the only odd thing I noticed was that a significant amount of my peripheral vision was gone. I went to the hotel room's bathroom mirror and saw myself. I screamed in terror before my sister came into the bathroom, panicking. She said that now I was guaranteed death, and started apologizing crazily. There was a really loud knocking on our room door, and I looked through the door's peephole.

Outside was a woman with completely black eyes, long hair that fell around her face, and her face was covered with red and black veins pulsating with blood. My sister and I panicked and scrambled for the room's window, jumping out and running. We were stalked continuously, the demon always a bit closer than before whenever we turned our heads to see if it was still following us.

When I woke up this morning, I stared at my bed-facing window and ceiling for a solid hour, refusing to look at my left or right. I only got up once I saw a decent amount of sunlight coming through my window. Still have the shivers.
Last edited by Llama on Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dreams Or Nightmares?

Post by Hazzystan »

I had a nightmare for the first time in years a couple of mornings ago. I woke up in bed in the middle of the night, and reached to turn my alarm around to see what time it was. But every time I tried to extend my arm to my bedside table a man's hand appeared and grabbed it. I started panicking horribly because I was completely lucid and convinced I was awake, and ran across my room to turn my light switch on. As I was running faces kept appearing then disappearing in the darkness, and when I flicked the switch the entire room got flooded with white light which blinded me.

But the white light was coming from outside, not my bedroom light. The sky outside went from pitch black to overwhelmingly bright. I looked up since I have a ceiling window and saw my little sister pressed against it from outside, just looking at me curiously with a straight face. Then I jolted up in bed. It was vivid as fuck, I forgot how blood-curdling nightmares can feel when you're fully convinced you're awake.
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Re: Dreams Or Nightmares?

Post by Coweetie »

@llamapivot, it's interesting to know someone else has dreams of bodyparts missing.
I often have dreams where a part of my head, an eye, a foot or hand is missing. And I have alot of dreams about how the world's going to end. mostly with lava, no good rotation of the planets, black holes. Last time, 2 days ago, it was how the earth came very near to the sun, a sun eruption slided on one side on the earth and it began to extend, everything burnt.
Lots of spiderstuff is included too, but those nightmares are so damn interesting lol. Even though they aint enjoyable.

On the other side i dream how i fly around, or even teaching others how to fly.
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Re: Dreams Or Nightmares?

Post by Kermit »

I have never remembered any nightmares, the closest thing I've had to a nightmare though is just going to school and realizing I was naked.
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Re: Dreams Or Nightmares?

Post by Ray »

Worst dream I've ever had....

A short black and hooded figure was chasing me around my house. And the dream went on for a long time seems like. And just before it caught me, I woke up.
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Re: Dreams Or Nightmares?

Post by Lord »

It's actually quite common in nightmares to be chased by something you seemingly can't run away from.

As for me, I used to have quite vivid dreams and some nightmares years ago but over the while I've been getting a lot less of both. They're usually
quite generic.
One time my family and I were being chased through a graveyard by the grim reaper, that was fun. :D
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Re: Dreams Or Nightmares?

Post by ChickenArmy »

A couple of years ago I was in a half sleep half awake like state. While in that state, I heard a terrible scream I've never heard before. It was like that legend "Banshee" or whatever it is. That scream still haunts me till now.
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Re: Dreams Or Nightmares?

Post by Jojishi »

I had a dream recently about Carrot Top who, as you all know has special ingredients to juice with. He had bitch tits in my dream, but his nipples were basically as thick as golf balls and 6 inches long. They were also slightly pointed, probably 4 cm diameter at the base, 2 cm at the tip. Anyway, he was being pretty creepy. He puts his hands on his chest (which is slightly swollen and inflamed looking) and pushes in. Suddenly, his nipples start coming out more and the chest skin rolls back like foreskin as more comes out. Then the most disgusting thing ever happens and hundreds of floppy, 0.5cm and long nipples flop out as more of the nipple comes out. These thinner nipples are all around his big nipples, so it looks like a big pipe with lots of nipples dangling off it. Now when the bug nipples are coming out of his chest you can see into his chest cavity with all these little nipples coming out. Anyway, when all is said and done his big nipples are at least 2 ft long and have all these dangly little nipples hanging off them, so they look spiky. It looks sort of like the coral in the opening scene of Finding Nemo.

I had another dream which wasn't disgusting like that, but pretty terrifying. I dreamt that I woke up in the morning really dehydrated and tired with a headache, I look to my right before I get up (which will probably take a few minutes since I'm so tired and weak) and see Freddy Krueger at my window. He's just standing there but I begin to panic, except I can't move. Then I wake up for real but I was obviously too spooked to get out of bed for a while. When I did, I noticed 3 small scratches on the window... Not making this shit up. It was so freaky.
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Re: Dreams Or Nightmares?

Post by Finom »

I remember one in which I was running away from my teacher because of all the assignments I never handed in :D
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