Stickman Artist for video game

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Stickman Artist for video game

Postby HypedHamster » Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:00 pm

Hi all, im a game developer currently working on a game with a stick man as the main protagonist.

The game is around 90% complete and will be released on iOS and Android (hopefully in february), I'm looking for an expert stickman animator to create some fluid animations for the main character... the animations would need to sprite sheets, transparent PNGs so I'm not sure you'd be able to use pivot to create them but mainly I'm after, idle, sprinting, jumping animations etc. Something along the lines of 'Fancy Pants Adventure'.

A paid fee is negotiable for the right person if the quality is high enough.

Heres an example of one of my old sprite sheets, this is the exit level animation:

If anyone is interested please let me know (with an example of previous work), also moderators I hope this post is ok, if not please remove. These forums just seem like the best place to look for a stickman animator :)
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Re: Stickman Artist for video game

Postby SIFTER » Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:25 pm

A few things need to be put on the table first: First of all, you need to understand that you're an unestablished member who's asking people to make some effort for you out of the blue. I've seen tens of people attempt to do the exact same in another similar forum to no avail. Next, I've had an experience with a game dev too; we both had been working on 2D multiplayer stickman shooter sort of game-I animate and he codes-eventually all the spritesheets that I'd made for him were put to no use because he'd quit. So, unless there's a guarantee that you are able to finish projects, I can guarantee that no one will be interested in collaborating with you even if it's a commission. Then I come to the technicalities: What platform will the game be running on? Is it Unity or something? And will the game be a shooter, platformer, both..? I'm asking because the animations will depend on that. Also, there's the artstyle. Is there a specific artsyle you've got your eyes on?

A lot of details you had to include in your post so that the commissioned will know what to do. Exactly what to do.
Here's my thread/portfolio for you to glance over: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=34 . I'd be interested in working with you once everything's set. It is worth to mention that I am able to finish projects no problem, no matter how long it takes. I'll be using Pivot, and transparent BGs will be no issue for me.
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Re: Stickman Artist for video game

Postby HypedHamster » Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:31 pm

Just to reassure you I have published 3 games in the past for Windows Phone and one for iOS and Android.

Here are some links:
Drawtopia Google Play: ... .drawtopia
Obsessive Collecting Disorder Windows Phone: ... zdncrfhmx2

I have over 2 million downloads on Windows Phone but am currently working on porting my games to iOS and Android.

The game I'm looking for an artist for is a remake of 'Obsessive Collecting Disorder' which has over a million downloads. The remake is called 'Collect or Die' and will be released on iOS and Android. Its essentially the same game but with improved graphics, physics, lighting etc.

I'll off to bed soon but I'm happy to post some gameplay videos of the current build tomorrow when I wake up... like is said its about 90% complete, I just need better animations.


I did it before I went to bed :) Heres a youtube video of the current build:


If that doesn't work heres the full link:
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Re: Stickman Artist for video game

Postby SIFTER » Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:46 pm

I can manage to do it easily. You're free to message me for further discussion, provided you're interested.
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Re: Stickman Artist for video game

Postby HypedHamster » Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:51 pm

I just checked out your preview video and yup I'm interested :) I'll send you a PM tomorrow when I wake up and we can have a chat about it further, its getting late here in the UK.

The game is made in MonoGame btw and the format is simple sprite sheets like the example in the first post.
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Re: Stickman Artist for video game

Postby Finom » Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:02 pm

Not to seem harsh, but that type of gaming style is old, and will most likely end up in the oblivion of the app store. There are literally hundreds of games like this, and even with great quality, they never see the light of day because people have moved to things like first person shooters, sci fi games, and generally new ideas and content. People will play it, and you'll always get new people who just download to take a look, but it won't have that special ring that always attracts customers to come back and play.
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Re: Stickman Artist for video game

Postby HypedHamster » Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:20 pm

No probs Hype I always appreciate feedback. The game is a remake of the first game i ever released which has over 1 million downloads and pretty much made my business. Im professional developer, I do this full time.

Some games hit and some dont, there isn't really a magic formula, just look at Flappy Bird... most developers can make that game in one day and it was still a global sensation.

Im under no illusion that it might not be a success but the game is around 90% complete and I'm currently working on the art and polish, it has 70 completed levels and numerous mechanics, I'm hardly going to back out now. The video just shows the first 3 levels cause I'm tired and was in a rush to make a video.

There aren't actually that many hardcore platformers with similar mechanics on iOS either, I have done my research.

Okey dokes, heres a better video showing off some different levels now I've had a bit more time. Please bear in mind this isn't a trailer its a work in progress, most levels haven't had lighting applied to them yet and parts are incomplete.

phpBB [video]

Ive had a couple of messages and I'll get back to people asap.
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Re: Stickman Artist for video game

Postby Raymond » Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:51 pm

I won't lie, it does seem like a relatively basic game (granted it's still in development), but it also seems like something that can get addicting once you start playing it. It almost seems similar to Angry Birds. It's such a simple game, but you know there are multiple levels beyond the one you're playing and that gives you incentive to keep playing.
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Re: Stickman Artist for video game

Postby Juke » Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:06 pm

Great to see you have found the right man for the job HypedHamster. I'll definitely download the game once it is published.
Also please don't double post (post twice in a row). Just edit your previous post with your update. It's just a rule we have here! :)
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Re: Stickman Artist for video game

Postby HypedHamster » Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:03 am

Thanks guys, its heavily inspired by N+ and Super Meat Boy, it is pretty simple but its only really designed to be a throwaway kind of game to be played in short bursts on the way to school or work.

Im just one man programming and I make small games that I enjoy playing myself, they dont really need to be mega successful since they have low budgets and I only need to make enough profit to cover the costs of the next game.

Hype is correct in some respects and there are some gamers who only play FPS and blockbuster games but those games also have huge million dollars budgets and teams of 100s, these sorts of games are designed to appeal to as many people as possible because if they fail they bankrupt the company. I can afford to design games to niche markets because I dont take the same level of risk.

You should never under estimate the indie market though, search 'Stickman' on google play and almost every game listed there has 1-10 million downloads. Most games that are successful on mobile aren't AAA titles, they are small throw away games, people haven consoles and PCs for AAA games.

Juke wrote:Great to see you have found the right man for the job HypedHamster. I'll definitely download the game once it is published.
Also please don't double post (post twice in a row). Just edit your previous post with your update. It's just a rule we have here! :)

No problem, I'll keep that in mind for future posts :)
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