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Tryna make it out the intermediate hood...

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:50 pm
by Chris


-I can't afford to get rusty-
Tell me what you think


Deception GIF PIV

Swordsman GIF PIV

Short Combo (GIF not needed) PIV

Memphis Tribute GIF PIV

Dark Fight GIF PIV
Oh, this one will be continued for sure ;)

My thread is a series of unfinished projects and shorts. Give me a quick PM if you really really want me to continue something, and i'll make time to do it. Also check me out on the Dojo, I know I haven't been putting much there but I soon will as i'm getting the newest version of flash. The one I have now lags so much...

My Dojo Profile

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:26 pm
by Cheese
Waiting to see more of deception to see where it's going, but I really like that swordsman one, its real smooth.
Not sure how I feel about dark fight, but I'll wait for more on that one too.

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:08 am
by Jojishi
These all look great so far. Good to see some new animations from you. I haven't seen anything new from you in a while, and now I can see why.

Dark Fight looks awesome. Movements look fantastic, the effects are great and I love that glow around the main character's head. The entire animation has a certain atmosphere to it that I like a lot. The jump movement at the start had great anticipation and the 3D on the leg looked good when the character was in the air. The entire pose had a lot of power to it.

The blades of grass that went into the air looked good, however, when the jump created that huge crater I would have expected to see some debris flying from the crater. A few rocks and particles there would have looked great.

Memphis tribute looks like it's coming along well. The fast cuts between each shot keep an action feel in the animation. I think the screen with the "Go! Go!" text could last a bit longer, maybe somewhere around 5-10 frames. I like the close ups and blurs.

Short combo was ok. I thought the punches were animated well and it was cool that you attempted the 3D. On frame 27 it would have looked better to make the back lower-leg bend the other way. I just edited it then and it made the stick-man actually look like he rotated, whereas before I knew his body was rotating but it didn't feel like it was. I thought the effect at frame 49 looked cheap. I can see why you did it though. It does add more power to have a flashy sort of effect, but it can only compensate so much for the lack of power. If you had some anticipation by showing the character throw their arms back and lean forward, then throw their arms up and jump it would have loads more power.

Your file with the slight edits I made.

So keep in mind that having anticipation gives a lot of power to a movement depending on how much you have, how much the spacing speeds up in the attack movement. A good example is the Dark Fight animation where you show anticipation before the jump. As a result it's much more powerful.

Swordsman has a great zoom in movement and I love the camera angle of the sword. I really, really liked that one.

Deception has an interesting background and the movements look good. I like the colour scheme a lot.

I hope you find this advice helpful. I really like what you're working on right now. I think it's great that you're animating these projects. They're all showing a lot of promise and it's awesome to see more animations from you. I think your style is amazing. :)

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:08 am
by Chris
Thank you Jojishi that advice really helped, i'm going to definately use some of those tips

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:57 am
by Lord
Nice animations so far 7th, keep them going. ;)

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:14 pm
by Aron
Dayum, dude.
Continue the Dark Fight, man. It was sick, and it reminded me of Limbo.


Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:29 pm
by Chris
Aron wrote:Dayum, dude.
Continue the Dark Fight, man. It was sick, and it reminded me of Limbo.


I was about to make a Limbo animation out of it, but then I thought about the flash ghost fight, and I decided to make a hybrid of the two.

BTW welcome to the forums man, I'm glad you found that particular animation interesting and I hope you enjoy your stay here. (thumbsup

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:27 am
by Mori
Those anims are really awesome, I wish you'd make a limbo animation.

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:23 pm
by socks
If you finish any one of these i'll be happy.

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:50 am
by Cressel
The projects look great, the top two have a great cinematic feel going on although the camera stops for a moment on Deception which looks weird. Some movements look weird on the Swordman animation, the punch specifically although it could be cause it's unfinished.

Looking forward seeing you finish any of these.

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:42 pm
by Chris
Update with some more poo

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 3:47 am
by tuna
very nice man, very clean spacing.power was demonstrated nicely. wasn't sure about the kicks at the end, the poses seemed a little infeasible. nice work, glad to see that you're back

Re: 7Th's Thread

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:09 am
by RetiredBATS
Looks good the only thing i noticed is the feeling that he`s performing in water or just has no weight. Other than that looks good.