Pivot Practice: Combos

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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Finom »

I took your snapping in mind, but I completely lost all flow D:
Yeah I didn't spend too long on this
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Llama »

Trying to recreate Firecracker vs HBomb?
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Finom »

Nah, I just liked the idea of a more organic punching bag. I wouldn't even DARE try recreating F v H because I'm not even worthy (and I need to be moved down)
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by SIFTER »

I'm fucking exhausted ughhhhhh.
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Blademaster »

The only thing I found weird was the static body after the series of the punches.

EDIT: Made something.
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Euclid »

Hype wrote:I took your snapping in mind, but I completely lost all flow D:
Yeah I didn't spend too long on this
Nice recreation of that one moment in SvR tho.

Okay so one major issue here are the poses. Some of them lack a "line of action" if you will. Basically your figure must distribute his weight on the center axis in a way that it looks balanced so you'll have to take into account the actual poses. Your poses, especially the one before the kick, lack balance and you kinda foreshortened it the wrong way. You also didn't take into account the force summation of the kick which is basically using other parts of the body to generate more force. In this case, the kick. You should use the arms as not only an anticipation but also as a means to show more power to the kick. The other 2 attacks are pretty okay but you kinda messed up your movement arc there and therefore, messed up the flow of the combo itself. The reactions also lack any sort of overlapping action there but I might be nitpicking by now.

I still recommend you animate at a higher fps.
Sifter wrote:Image
I'm fucking exhausted ughhhhhh.
Those choice of poses make it look like Flame made the anim tbh. The consecutive punches made me assume that he's gonna fall over. I suggest you like, move his torso around while doing those punches. Adds more variety and direction to the punches. I kinda liked the shaking part thing. It really adds to the animation a lot. I've no problem with those kicks at the end they look fine as hell. and those trails are something to behold. All in all that's a pretty good job but yknow. I would kinda change those choice of poses since you told me that Flame cc'ed you while making that and therefore influenced the anim. But yknow, I might be nitpicking anyways.
Chris wrote:The only thing I found weird was the static body after the series of the punches.

EDIT: Made something.
oh shit boi. I love the variety on this man. The only thing i can complain about is the lack of varied timing. You should like, add some weak, medium, and strong attacks and spice them up yknow. To make it more interesting. Other than that it's a very nice job.

I can't combo anymore tbh.
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Horsie »

Huge thanks for TOL, this is my second combo animation, and second animation without effects since 2010.. :P
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Blademaster »

Horsie wrote:Image
Huge thanks for TOL, this is my second combo animation, and second animation without effects since 2010.. :P
Oh do I see improvements in movements there ? :O

oh yeah baby. That was cool man.
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Michi »

Combo 1: Hook, hook, uppercut, straight punch
Combo 2: High jab, gut punch, overhead chop, taunt
Combo 3: Shoulder bash, high kick, followup, stomp, return to fighting stance
Critique welcome
Last edited by Michi on Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Finom »

Have my babies. This is incredible beyond what I can describe. Get to vets dammit. You more than deserve it imo. Maybe just a longer project here and there.
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Euclid »

Flame wrote:Combo 1: Hook, hook, uppercut, straight punch
Combo 2: High jab, gut punch, overhead chop, taunt
Combo 3: Shoulder bash, high kick, followup, stomp, return to fighting stance
Critique welcome
Ooooo this is quite the doozy you're contributing. I like it.
  • Combo 1
The first one is fairly simple. The attacks look powerful, your choice of poses look exaggerated which adds to your style which is pretty okay for the most part, the trails were also a nice addition and wow you actually added some foreshortening on this one, nice. the problems I mostly have is the uppercut , the way you move your boxing gloves, the even timing and the last boxing stance.

First off that's not how uppercuts work. You start from the bottom then strike up into the opponent. What you did is make it look like it came from the side due to the foreshortening. What WOULD be correct in your case is to make the guy like, do a neat long crouching anticipation and strike upwards with a hueg amount of force. If you were to do a quicker uppercut I'd suggest still putting the arm in a much lower position.
Kinda like this idk I made this in 5 minutes. Maybe watch some references or something.
Okay now the next is the way you move your boxing gloves. there are some parts where the hands look floppy and you're not using your fists to punch. More like, the wrist or something. But this is due to the efficient way you animated the trails and the boxing gloves as one. You should add a separate figure for the trails of the hands and not stretch the hand itself lol
IDK but yeah it looks weird to me especially the non punching hand where it looks like he folded his wrist inward or something.
The timing is pretty even yknow, you should add some more variety into the attacks. Not every attack has to be very very powerful with plenty of anticipation
Okay... The last boxing stance. You kinda hunched it the wrong way honestly. If there's any hunch, it should be in the upper back whereas the lower back (where the stomach is) should be a bit more straighter. But yknow the hunch shouldn't be THAT big unless you're going for some super exaggerated thingy (but even still it won't look great in an actual fight without matching the atmosphere and making it a bit more exaggerated.)

All in all, yknow, looks pretty great. On to the next anim.

  • Combo 2
Okay so the next anim is pretty nice. I love your use of shoulders and the boxing pose has improved. But yknow, it still has some flaws like how the boxing pose is unbalanced due to the jabs that aren't really jabs since you animated them in a way that isn't really how jabs work, the gut punch isn't exactly a gut punch it's more of a body jab most likely, again, with the even timing, the sometimes hard to spot poses without any sort of line of action whatsoever and the lack of fluidity in the overhead chop which looks pretty much like a haymaker to me tbh.

Okay so the boxing pose is unbalanced due to you having the head positioned beyond the front foot for far too long while executing those powerful attacks which should bring him forward and yknow, make him fall over. Since those first 2 attacks are "jabs" (I'll assume the gut punch was a jab) I should remind you that jabs are powerless are meant to be thrown in bunches so it kinda conflicts with your power heavy style. Also:
Firecracker wrote:The problem with the basic jab in animation is that aesthetically, it's very limited and not very dynamic. The torso barely moves, it doesn't "jolt" forward, and it doesn't bend at all. His back basically ends up parallel to the frame he started in. So it comes off as bland and powerless.
The reason the gut punch looked more like a body jab is because of the anticipation. Gut punches are like uppercuts in the sense of anticipation. You start from the bottom and strike hard semi upwards. But yknow, you're aiming at his gut.
Kinda like this. Yeah it's not that great tbh go watch some references lmao
There's also again with the lack of timing. Refer to the above cc.

Okay. Some of the poses I noticed, don't have any lines of action, meaning that the weight isn't distributed evenly towards the center axis. Like that one pose that basically caused the lack of fluidity in the "overhead chop" which, coincidentally is also the anticipation frame for the overhead chop that made it look more like a weird haymaker to me:
The red circle signifies the incorrect arm positioning for this so called overhead chop and it looked like a haymaker with the weird foreshortening. The black line signifies the lack of a proper line of action so it looks pretty much unbalanced and it really reduces the power of the attack. But yknow, you compensated for the exaggerated attack pose, the trails and the anticipation.
You should make it so that the hand travels a downward arc like how an overhand chop should be since it's basically a karate chop. Yknow, like The Great Khali in those WWE wrestling thingies.

  • Combo 3
Okay so the last anim is pretty good. It has varied timing and the kick looks pretty nice. You're choice of poses were pretty nice as well.

The main problem in this anim is the lack of balance in the stomp, the shoulder bash and that...jump thing at the end there heh.

Okay so the reason that the stomp had a lack of balance is because of the leg positioning that didn't support the entire body. And you made his body stay in mid air for a few frames when in reality he should like, fell down already. It should be kinda something like this:
I used the stickfigure's supporting leg to balance him. Obvs. not as powerful as yours but you get the point?
The shoulder bash lacked more frames especially one where his torso overlaps with the arm with the attacking shoulder. I also feel like the stickguy should face the viewers more so that the shoulder will actually get emphasized.

Omg that jump tho. It looked like he was just dragged by some unknown force and it also seemed that he was pretty bogged down by his upper body. He should jump like that as if he's light on his feet namsayin?

All in all you did a pretty swell job on those combos but I feel that the attacks need more variety. Not all attacks have to be SUUUPER powerful with like, tons of exaggerated stuff when it's just a light attack. You should also take into the account of the weaker quicker punches and some grabs, yknow. Your choice of poses also needs improvement like balance and stuff. I recommend that you watch some references.

So uh...Yeah...Preety strounge stuf maen

I really can't combo tbh.
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Mori »

Rushed. Please CC.

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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Jojishi »

For the first punch, his back could come back in anticipation before the punch. When he executes the attack, he could then lean forward and also step forward with his leg. After this attack, his momentum could slow down.

Next is the kick. Since you kept the momentum going so fast instead of applying a bit of easing to slow it down somewhat, you ended up in a kick pose that had the back leg like this "/". The center of balance was off which meant you had to keep the momentum going. If the back leg was straight on the ground and he held the kick out for a bit it would have had way more power. Right now as it is, it feels like he falls forward into the pose and then steps back down. It feels like a big step more than an attack.

The final attack looks fine to me but it's just a bit weird how it ends.
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Mori »

Jojishi wrote:For the first punch, his back could come back in anticipation before the punch. When he executes the attack, he could then lean forward and also step forward with his leg. After this attack, his momentum could slow down.

Next is the kick. Since you kept the momentum going so fast instead of applying a bit of easing to slow it down somewhat, you ended up in a kick pose that had the back leg like this "/". The center of balance was off which meant you had to keep the momentum going. If the back leg was straight on the ground and he held the kick out for a bit it would have had way more power. Right now as it is, it feels like he falls forward into the pose and then steps back down. It feels like a big step more than an attack.

The final attack looks fine to me but it's just a bit weird how it ends.
Thanks for the CC a lot man, I really appreciate that (cheesygrin
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Re: Pivot Practice: Combos

Post by Euclid »

Yes this is a combo.
Click the Pic for TDD thread. (Credits to Sifter for making my profile, RB, and Sig.)
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