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Re: LordPivot's Thread

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:45 pm
by Jojishi
That was cool. It conveyed my personality pretty well. (thumbsup

Re: LordPivot's Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:21 am
by Lord
I've been working on the FFA entry for a while now so I don't have much else to post,
I'm making a World of Tanks pivot animation and have already made a tank for it.. It's an early design, I'll add more detail to it soon, tell me what you think of it in the comments!.

King Tiger

Re: LordPivot's Thread (World of Tanks pivot screenie)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:44 am
by Llama
That World of Tanks animation's going to be sick, no doubt. The tank looks pretty good, maybe add a few more bells and whistles, but still it's going to be amazing. Good luck. :)

Re: LordPivot's Thread (World of Tanks pivot screenie)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:55 am
by Lord
Thanks, I have a few different tanks in mind. I'll post another one or two of them here when I have them done.

Re: LordPivot's Thread (World of Tanks pivot screenie)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:20 pm
by Lord
Made another one, a personel favourite of mine, the..
M26 Pershing

Re: LordPivot's Thread (World of Tanks pivot screenie)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:49 am
by Lord
Alrighty then, here's my FFA against Tuna.

Re: LordPivot's Thread (FFA - LordPivot vs Tuna)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:53 am
by Ray
That was pretty entertaining man. Good job.

Re: LordPivot's Thread (FFA - LordPivot vs Tuna)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:00 am
by Extra
that was really entertaining bro
some stuff looked pretty weird but, eeeehhh
it was good dawg

Re: LordPivot's Thread (FFA - LordPivot vs Tuna)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:04 am
by Lord
Windows Movie Maker wouldn't let me post it in a higher quality so I had to lower it from 15MB to 2MB, I can give the piv. if you want to see things more clearly.

Re: LordPivot's Thread (FFA - LordPivot vs Tuna)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:34 am
by Amir
Dude, I just want to say I fucking loved this animaion, I liked the effects a lot, although some of them looked VERY lazy, but the sun effects, clouds, rain etc...were awesome.
As for the movements, they were way better than the movements in your other animations, they were more clear to understand, but they aren't smooth enough and need to be more fluid. Fighting moves were pretty good, I'm impressed by that, very creative, I can tell you've put a lot of effort into that, you're not afraid to try new things, so great job on that.

You need to work on your movements, they still look weird sometimes, (although they look better) a bit shaky and need to be more polished.
Some of the effects could of been a lot lees lazy, you need more details to the effects, for example look at 1:44 this was pretty bad, some of the things aren't even moving, just that poor lightning effect.
And the dust effect at 0:20, it stopped moving and just started to fade away.

But overall the best beginner animation I've seen in a while, or the best I've ever seen.

Re: LordPivot's Thread (FFA - LordPivot vs Tuna)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:54 am
by Cressel
Holy crap that was so dramatic and I loved it! it really kept my attention through the whole animation.

Amazing job and a lovely animation.

Re: LordPivot's Thread (FFA - LordPivot vs Tuna)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:59 am
by Firecracker
That was freaking awesome dude!

The music fit perfectly, the characters had emotion etc. That was entertainment value right there.

Re: LordPivot's Thread (FFA - LordPivot vs Tuna)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:24 am
by Chris
Good job Lord pivot. 7TH solutes you. (thumbsup

Re: LordPivot's Thread (FFA - LordPivot vs Tuna)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:34 am
by Lord
Thnaks a lot guys, it really means alot, especially from you Firecracker, I loved your Firecracker vs Hbomb.

I suppose you're right Amir, I knew I had a deadline and really couldn't be bothered with certain aspects of the animation...
either that or I didn't care, full stop.

I remember the same reaction for my BBODD entry.

Re: LordPivot's Thread (FFA - LordPivot vs Tuna)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:38 am
by The Black Mamba
I really liked this man. You honestly aced the cinematic aspect of the animation, the music goes extremely well with the fight as well, as Firecracker pointed out. The animation probably wouldn't be complete without it, so I'm glad you added the music before posting it. You, of course, still have things to work on (movements, fluidity, combat, etc.), but you still did a really good job of keeping my eyes drawn to the screen. Though your movements aren't as refined, I like the direction you're headed in. Your style is enjoyable, even at the stage you're currently at. Too many effects were done in another program for me to even bother, so I won't say anything about that. Scenery was bearable, though the colors were a little bright. If you were going for a battle ground, try more dulled out colors next time. I could tell that was also done in another program. I like how even the fight was up until you killed Tuna. Try letting him beat you a little more, just to add suspense. The rain midway through the fight was a great touch, it helped add to the intensity. It's hard to tell what was done in Pivot and what was done in whatever other program you used. Try using Pivot for everything, it'll only help you get better with other aspects (backgrounds, effects, etc.) in the future. Great animation man, hope you make more like this in the future.