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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Skype » Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:25 pm

Mat wrote:
Skype wrote:Codeine (or any depressant for that matter) mixed with alcohol is the easiest way to give yourself respiratory arrest.

The actual substance is Oxycodone for Oxycontin, not that it really matters since it it still has the same risks, just thought I'd needlessly clear that up.

Also, yes, painkillers are a lot of fun, unfortunately too much fun for me. I loved opioids so much I was about to shoot heroin if I hadn't overdosed on Ativan(a CNS depressant) the day before. I don't want this to discourage others from trying oxycodone, hydrocodone, or codeine if they are curious. I just happen to be predisposed to addiction through my genetics and therefore cannot use any substance in moderation.

Oxycodone is derived from codeine, same as hydrocodone. Their chemical make up varies only slightly. All are demethylated in the same way and interact with receptors in the brain in a similar fashion.

Tuna wrote:
Axon wrote:ok well you give the impression of somebody who has maybe attended a high school assembly on why not to do drugs and just formed your entire outlook on them from that

Pretty much this.
You've only been presented with one side of an argument. And while I agree that this is sometimes the case, that's only with harder drugs.
Things like weed, if you actually research it from reliable sources, has almost none of these things.
If you look at the people on this forum who have taken/take drugs (except Wrabies because he really needs to lay off it a bit) are not 'on the streets shooting up drugs in an old building'

Don't get it twisted you can get addicted to weed as easily as anything else. Just because there are no immediate health impacts from smoking it doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. And any long term heavy weed smoker will tell you when you go cold turkey, the first weeks sleep is a bitch ;)

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Re: drugs discussion

Postby jota » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:04 pm

I've only tried weed, and hash, but it's basically the same thing. I usually smoke during school time, sometimes everyday ~2 times per day, but when school is over and I'm on vacation like now, I only smoke like 1 or 2 times in 2/3 months. Nothing much.

I also want to try LSD but only when I'm older and I know that I'm safe and that, don't wanna risk it cause one time -btw, I can't handle much in my organism but it depends-, I was at a birthday party and I drink a shit ton of white wine and beer, I wasn't wasted but I was considerably drunk. After that I went with some dudes and smoked, only did like 6/9 "puffs", walked up a hill and sited down a bit, got up and instantly started throwing up non-stop, got lied down cause I literally couldn't move a finger, barely could talk. They called the ambulance and I woke up at the hospital, they said I was in an alcohol coma and had hypothermia (I was in a T-shirt and it was winter), if the ambulance didn't come sooner I probably would have stayed where I was and never woken up.
They didn't do any drug test or anything so I got away with it. All this between 13/19 pm. I only remember listening to what was happening, like I was blind all the time.

TL:DR I smoke weed regularly when I'm in school. Want to try LSD. One time I got fucked up and went to the hospital in an alcohol coma and hypothermia.

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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Shad Shadson » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:43 pm

Post your piece and dank pt 2: the dankening

But seriously I thought I'd finally post in one of these. I am a straight-edge faggot; the only time I have ever drank was as a very young child, and I've never done drugs. There's a plethora of reasons for this, but a couple of them include my addictive personality (it's really bad) and people I look up to being similar or the same. Does this mean I think drugs are a menace to society? Nah, I'm not a fucking idiot.

Don't give the 'peer pressure' excuse either. I've been around people drinking and smoking weed, and they either didn't offer me any because they knew my situation or I just kindly declined. It's stupid to say 'someone made you do it because you wanted to be cool to them'.

Weed is probably the safest recreational drug, and probably the easiest way for states to make money if they were to legalize it. Last I heard Colorado legalized weed recently and made a killing in taxes, and it had unintended side-effects of (very slightly) lowering the crime rate, among other things, according to this article:

http://mic.com/articles/89165/3-months- ... looks-like

Now take that with a grain of salt because who knows how true all of this is, but it's plain to see that drugs aren't all bad.

This is my take on other drugs from what I've heard/read, so sorry if I come off as a dumbass who doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm working with anecdotes here.

Even with the harder shit like cocaine and Meth, while I'd rather people not dabble into that shit,aren't life ruiners if you are smart with it and yourself.(in my personal opinion, no one I've seen/heard from has done well using cocaine or meth, but hey that's just me)

hallucinogens like Mushrooms, LSD and even DMT can be especially beneficial if you plan ahead and aren't stupid with them/ get people experienced with them to help you start out. I've heard of people having trips that changed their worldview immensely for the better. You just gotta remember that for every positive experience there could be an equally bad experience and that shit can be bad and really scares people, but if you're with experienced people you trust you should be fine.

Alcohol is technically a drug, and we see people use it all the time in bars and other such social settings/events. It's not drugs that are bad, it's people being dumb with them that are.
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Cowboy Memebop » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:48 pm

i don't do any drugs but i don't mind them and i don't think they're always a bad thing either. i'm used to being around weed because my friends do it a lot but i've been hesitant to try because i've heard of pretty odd trip stories. one time some girl i knew hit it once and she threw up several times?? i didn't even know that was a possible side effect but shit like dat turns me off whenever i consider shmoking
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Ashero » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:55 pm

MCToast wrote:You're an idiot if you believe all that anti-drug propaganda.

I don't do drugs and don't plan to mainly because of the people I've been around. Most of them have failed everything except for gym (steroids and stupid gym teacher lol) and stuff like that. I've also heard it wrecks your nervous system, rots your brain (quite literally) and makes it hard to do thinking work. I don't need hard trips and drunk yoga. Jest sayin.
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Yogurt » Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:45 am

One of my senior friends who was pretty big pothead got a full ride scholarship to UC Berkley.
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby tuna » Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:24 am

LordPivot wrote:
Tuna wrote:
Axon wrote:ok well you give the impression of somebody who has maybe attended a high school assembly on why not to do drugs and just formed your entire outlook on them from that

Pretty much this.
You've only been presented with one side of an argument. And while I agree that this is sometimes the case, that's only with harder drugs.
Things like weed, if you actually research it from reliable sources, has almost none of these things.
If you look at the people on this forum who have taken/take drugs (except Wrabies because he really needs to lay off it a bit) are not 'on the streets shooting up drugs in an old building'

Probably true, but some people (like me) just don't want to send out the wrong message. It's kind of a way we don't want to be seen. Some people don't like the idea of somene whispering into their friends ear "He does drugs you know".
I'm probably phrasing this terribly but I'm just trying to get my point across.

What, so you don't want to be judged basically. That's what's annoying about a lot of them being illegal is that everyone assumes they must be illegal for a good reason (which a lot are, but not all) and that gives them a bad reputation.
That said, I'm trying to persuade anyone here to do drugs that don't, but I am very pro weed. I haven't done it myself (yet). In my opinion, any other drug is a huge no.
@Skype: I agree, it's about being in control, which is what I was saying about being responsible, cautious and occasion use.
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby MCToast » Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:23 pm

Weed is for teens.

Also try driving after drinking and then after weed and see which is harder.
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Elliott » Sun Jun 29, 2014 11:39 am

Being a UK student I've tried many... as I'm fairly boring my favourite is the legal one; alcohol.

But I've still got a funny story! On my 21st birthday II went back to a mates house on a lets-go-crazy whim and did a tonne of weed, up until this point weed had never been interesting to me (it just made me sleepy) and my mate was determined to show me a good time, so he said he some awesome strains that gave people near psychedelic highs (I can't remember the name, but it was a potent sativa), when he returned he said we'd mixed the bags and we'd occidentally smoked most of it.

To this day I remember that being the single funniest thing I've heard in my life, we laughed for about 3 minutes straight until his flat mates came to check out the noise - which made us laugh more.

Everything was great until about 30 minutes later, when my perception of time became fucked - the closest I could come to describing it is like watching a video that skips back a few frames every other second, it was like instant, permanent deja-vu. I sat describing this to my mate for about 10 minutes (which felt like an hour) before I became convinced that my friend had laced the weed with LSD, and an overwhelming desire to get out of the house came over me. My mate let me go, noting that I looked pale and saying I should call him if I felt ill - I bolted and walked the 1.3 miles to my house, becoming super paranoid of everything - to make matters worse every minute or so a vivid visual hallucination of dancing in a rave would flash up (honestly no idea on this one, it was like a fake memory..).

At this point I was convinced I had given myself brain damage; there was a specific part where I couldn't remember my own name or my family for about 10 seconds (which thanks to time dilation, felt so much longer) and I couldn't form coherent thoughts (I remember thinking it was like trying to type a sentence whilst hitting backspace every other second).

I finally got home, stumbled into my room, locked the door and curled up in a ball on my bed - I slept for 3 hours and woke up.

I know now that what I experienced wasn't a drug trip (my friends were adamant that you couldn't trip on weed alone) but actually a panic attack - unfortunately I was part of the population who had never had a panic attack, nor knew the symptoms, so I convinced myself I was dying... years later, it's still the scariest thing to ever happen to me (neutral

tl;dr - panic attack'd on weed
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Kap'n Krunch » Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:44 pm

I live in one of the two states to legalize weed for recreational purposes in the U.S. So basically everyone smokes weed in Seattle.

Outside of the basics I've tried psilocybin mushrooms a few times, LSD once, and MDMA

I've also smoked lean blunts (Blunts with codeine) which if anyone's tried is a really strange feeling, It's uplifting but strangely wiring. I've been told that it was just the specific blunts that made me feel that way but i'm not so sure.

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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Lolzafish » Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:08 pm

my bro is a big weed smoker but ive never felt like blazing ever, despite almost everyone in my friendship group doing it loads.

loads of my mates have dropped as well (for americans, popped da molly) and are generally normal people. most of my mates who don't do drugs are serious athletes so at least they have an excuse, I just cba to pay for drugs and i cba to get high.

i do have a friend who i found out last week is a cokehead but i would never have guessed it so there's that.
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Jon » Sun Jun 29, 2014 10:59 pm

Ashero wrote:
MCToast wrote:You're an idiot if you believe all that anti-drug propaganda.

I don't do drugs and don't plan to mainly because of the people I've been around. Most of them have failed everything except for gym (steroids and stupid gym teacher lol) and stuff like that. I've also heard it wrecks your nervous system, rots your brain (quite literally) and makes it hard to do thinking work. I don't need hard trips and drunk yoga. Jest sayin.

My mates all have done drugs, and the majority of us are at uni, doing extremely well in our subjects (3 engineers, 1 journalist, 1 occupational therapist, 3 geologists, a lawyer and an environmental scientist.)

So yeah, doesn't affect you as much as you think it does. Though, there is a point where you need to stop, as I have, as well as most of my mates.
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby The Specter » Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:07 am

Drugs are great for having fun with occasionally, and thats pretty much it in my opinion. Using them to hide from your problems is really lame and only makes things worse really. Someone somewhere else is going through a harder problem sober, and if they can do it, anyone can. While I think fun with drugs is great, it slowly turns into not being able to have fun without drugs. Which makes you the most boring person on the planet. While I have really never done a drug besides alcohol, I dont mind people doing whatever as long as its an occasional use and not to the point where they cant live without it, or are always hung over... etc.
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Koolcid » Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:14 pm

I'm not really one to do drugs. But I do smoke weed occasionally. Something about it just.. Makes life a lot better. Like if I'm ever down or something. I smoke and think about it. It just makes it into a joke. I probably smoke like, 4 times a week, not much either. Probably like 0.2 per session. I love the smell now and whenever my friend buys a new "tool" (Bong, pipe, etc) I love trying it out. I have an 80 average in school so weed really doesn't do anything harmful. I don't think I would ever try anything harder until I move out for college sometime next year. I would probably bring some friends to my house and chill out trying different types of drugs for a couple days.

I will never try Cocaine, or anything that uses a needle. Probably only acid, pills, weed, and Silvia.
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Re: drugs discussion

Postby Axon » Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:46 pm

Elliott wrote:tl;dr - panic attack'd on weed

sounds like a bit of a time is moving really really slowly and everything is flat I need you to call an ambulance or failing that my mummy I think I might be dead my arms moment
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