How Embarressing...

Request .stks, .bmps, etc. *Must have 100 posts to request.

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How Embarressing...

Post by KingDalmasca »

So um... I'm just going to cut to the chase. I'm so rusty that i can't be satisfied with any stick building I do. And I really want to post something for this OPM Collab so... can someone give me or make me a Saitama stk? I know how easy it is and how simple it is, but I'm a bit more... tense than usual and picky with myself. I'd rather use anyone else's figure if you wouldn't mind. And I can't guarantee but I will try my best not to put your hard work to waste! So, again, can someone please give/make me a Saitaima stk? Hehe~ ^-^;
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