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Postby Царица Луна » Thu May 08, 2014 11:23 pm

What are some dreams you have had? Here are some of mine.

Meeting John F. Kennedy
The dream took place sometime after 1963 during the Cold War. I was in some sort of military base in the winter. As I was approaching a bunker I saw President Kennedy standing just outside the door. I didn't question the impossibility of him being alive or seemingly alive; I was excited to meet him. Perhaps one of the first things I have said to him is how he was killed; I said that Lee Harvey Oswald was responsible for his assassination.

Now that I look back, I wish I had told him something else or expanded upon what I said because of the many conspiracy theories that exist. If I ever meet President Kennedy again in my dreams, I hope to tell him more about his assassination.

I was in some sort of school that was infested with zombies. I was running for my life. Eventually I was surrounded by zombies that were slowly walking up to me. I shouted something along the lines of, "ZOMBIES! Before you kill me I wish to do one thing!" The zombies looked at each other with confusion. For no apparent reason I began to sing and dance and a background song came up. The song was so catchy that the zombies joined in on the dance and eventually many of the zombies joined together in choreographed dance.

Then I wake up. It turns out that I was actually in the middle of doing a presentation in front of the class in a math class; strangely I was attending class during the night and there were only a few other students present. The teacher told me that my presentation was impressive but was completely irrelevant to the course. So I walked away from the front of the class and sat in front of one of my friends. For some reason I had an urge to throw my first to the area just in front of him; unfortunately for him he decided to move his head forward which caused me to punch him hard unintentionally. His face was badly bruised and he was bleeding from his mouth. I apologized swearing that it was an accident. He pulled out a tooth from his bloody mouth and smiled, "Don't worry you only punched out one of my false teeth." Class ended so I walked out.

For some reason I ended in a place that was displaying innovative toilets. One particular display I remember was one where there was small room placed into the ceiling with a toilet put in that bit of room. My thought that that would be particularly useful for assassins. Then a cartoon character appeared out of nowhere and I woke up.

I woke up in a room of my home. I was walking towards the bathroom when I noticed that my vision briefly blurred significantly; I was having a stroke. Immediately I was running back to where I was screaming for help but my perception of time slowed down more and more as I was running. Then I woke up. This dream repeated two to five more times afterwards. By the time I actually woke up, I questioned whether I was in a dream or in reality.
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Re: Dreams

Postby Mitch » Thu May 08, 2014 11:27 pm

I usually never have/remember mine. But last night I had one where I was fighting off the Yakuza in my neighborhood with Ben Stiller.
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Re: Dreams

Postby The Black Mamba » Fri May 09, 2014 12:26 am

I dreamt I had a job once.
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Re: Dreams

Postby Marvilicious » Fri May 09, 2014 3:49 am

Usually I don't remember any of my dreams but I remember the one I had today.

It started with me sitting in a little shed and getting a time bomb handed from someone. I knew I had to plant it in the house next to the shed to kill the man and his family inside it but I had no idea how the bomb worked. Still, without asking I went ahead. I sneaked up to the house as stealthily as I could. It was morning so I was sure nobody was there to spot me. The house was huge but after roughly a minute of sneaking I got to a window where I could put the bomb in. Suddenly I realised there was the family inside eating breakfast and the grandma was sitting directly at the window looking at me. I threw the bomb in after pressing a button and somehow decided to rush into the house to hide(Yes, that's very dumb). The grandma talked gibberish, wanting to alert them to that huge bomb and they reacted after a couple of seconds.

I ran through the house and I felt like I was being chased, slammed door after door behind me and hearing them open again. I really needed to get out, so I decided to climb down. I got out through a window and getting down was very easy, just like you'd imagine after playing lots of Assassins Creed. I was now sitting next to a lot of bicycles and decided to get away and wait for the bomb to explode(Yes, it didn't explode). Suddenly the man slammed open the door and chased me aggressively. I jumped up on a bicycle and pedaled the shit out of it. I was driving fast but he was running faster. I heard his feet slamming on the ground behind me and it was fucking terrifying. I didn't make it around a corner, fell off and this is how the dream ended. Weird is also that I had the same dream before, but like 2 years ago.
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Re: Dreams

Postby The Black Mamba » Fri May 09, 2014 3:57 am

Just reading that scared me. I hate that feeling in dreams.
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Re: Dreams

Postby Fear » Fri May 16, 2014 9:01 am

I was painfully torturing every American president I know in the world trade center.
No offence guys.
I was watching a documantry about how the 9/11 attacks could been ordered by george bush.

In another I was murdering my arch-nemesis, the blonde dog - Usui Takumi (Maidsama)
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Re: Dreams

Postby Mat » Fri May 16, 2014 9:47 am

I had a dream that I shot up heroin. Given my nature as an alcoholic/drug addict it's not surprising, however I woke up incredibly terrified because I actually felt like I had thrown away my year of sobriety that I worked so very hard to achieve.
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Re: Dreams

Postby Waters » Fri May 16, 2014 2:27 pm

Alternating episodes of Kon with Kill la Kill and playing LSD dream emulator before going to bed will result is horrifying lucid dreams with multi colored anime girls stabbing eachother with scissors.
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Re: Dreams

Postby Jojishi » Fri May 16, 2014 6:35 pm

A few nights ago, I dreamed about a car accident which was weird, but that wasn't the weirdest part.

I remember walking down the road when suddenly a car sped passed me. The car veered off the road and crashed into a tree. I raced over to check that the person inside was okay, but before I could open the door they stepped out. The driver was a man and I remember the dreadlocks he had. His head was bloody and his arm had deep gashes in it. He wasn't in pain though, at least not from the injuries.

"I can't believe that didn't kill me," he said in monotone.

The way he said that took me off guard. His voice was just completely flat. No gasp or shaky voice from him, just some defeated words.

His eyes were shaking and he tilted his head when he yelled, "I want to go to heaven!"

He brandished a shot-gun, and pointed the barrel right at his head. Boom! His brain splatted everywhere. It happened so fast that I didn't even have time to look away. I distinctly remember the blood spraying me all over my body. I stood there in disbelief for quite some time. He had no doubt in his mind that an afterlife existed. He threw what quite possibly could be the only life he'd ever have, right down the drain all because he thought there was something more.
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Re: Dreams

Postby Gage » Fri May 16, 2014 6:49 pm

What model was the car?
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Re: Dreams

Postby SIFTER » Fri May 16, 2014 6:57 pm

I once dreamed of myself in a shanty town which is apparently, my highschool.

I kept still looking around the enviroment: It had a dystopian color scheme, the slums were ruined, and the ground was nothing but dirt. You can tell it's somewhat south african-ish looking. Anyway, I suddenly saw my classmates rushing into one of those slums which it turned out to by my science class with the science teacher in it. Short after, I realised that there was a test, I went into her persuading her to give me a chance to recover what I haven't learned so I can get a good grade. She was negative about it and asked me about the note book that I'm supposed to rewrite from A to Z (in real life). I told her that it's in progress. She kept quite and went to her chair to supervise the students while doing their test. I seemingly had no choice but to take the test as well and see if I'm lucky at all. After the tests is done, everyone went out and then I went back to her persuading to do the same thing, she asked me that if I'm worthy enough for her chance. I told her that I will behave. After that, the whole enviroment turned into a fashionable looking city. I took a taxi to get back home, but then the taxi stepped on someone's head, I seemed as if I ignored it, and the driver was like he didn't see a thing... BUT, I couldn't finish my dream because the alarm woke me up.

After I thought about it, this dream does have releation to science class and the torture I've been through rewriting the whole note book from A to Z for 7 hours straight. It seemed that I was way too concerned about it, but thankfuly, I'm better at science than I ever was which is kinda weird.
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Re: Dreams

Postby Jojishi » Fri May 16, 2014 7:20 pm

DragonCheesecake wrote:What model was the car?

It looked like this, except it was a dark colour.

And that's a cool dream Marvilicious. I've had dreams like that too. I hate that feeling of being chased.
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Re: Dreams

Postby Phewz » Mon May 19, 2014 12:05 pm

i had a dream i was a schoolgirl once and now i'm making a webcomic about it
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Re: Dreams

Postby Behemoth » Mon May 19, 2014 4:07 pm

Fear wrote:I was painfully torturing every American president I know in the world trade center.
No offence guys.
I was watching a documantry about how the 9/11 attacks could been ordered by george bush.

In another I was murdering my arch-nemesis, the blonde dog - Usui Takumi (Maidsama)

You're a dangerous fellow aren't ya.

One dream I saw my own dead corpse and then it switched into first person, and I started seeing worms eating their way out of my skin and I was slowly converted into just a mush of organic material (like fast forward and stuff)

Several dreams
Another dream I had took place in three different locations. One was in school, where I was in my old biology room and told their was an accident with some sort of chemical or bacteria or something, and I was the last one to get out. But when I got out I was in the hallway that would've been under the biology. Then I suddenly started feeling ill and passed or died, I'm not really sure. Later I woke up in a car in a meadow, and realized their was a hose within the open window, I immediately got out, removed the hose from the back of the engine of the car and went back in the car and slept. When I woke up, I was in a urban city, and friend of mine irl sat in the driver seat and started talking about how theirs been a zombie outbreak and explains how my mom died. We later went to a motel to sleep, but when I slept, I woke up in my own home, in the guest room. I heard faint sounds of my little siblings coming from downstairs, and I started to panic and be scared, whether they knew mom was dead and I had to see their despaired faces, or, even worse, I had to tell them.
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Re: Dreams

Postby socks » Mon May 19, 2014 9:54 pm

Phewz wrote:i had a dream i was a schoolgirl once and now i'm making a webcomic about it

Is it strange to dream in a different gender?
I bet it's strange to dream in a different gender.

Also, i had a dream once. I forgot it though, something to do with how i should go out of my way to do the things i think of.
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