OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby OblivionFall » Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:48 am

If you want my animations, you can get them all here.

You bring up some valid points. I guess I should explain myself. Full story below.

Long Version
I don't mean to offend anyone, but I need to get this off my chest. You claim to be my fans. You claim that a great Pivot Animator has just been lost. Yet you seem completely unaware of the fact that I began loosing interest in Pivot almost FOUR YEARS ago.

When was the last time I was actively releasing Pivot Animations? Was it 2013? Nope. Not a single Pivot Animation that year. Was it 2012? Nope. One skit about umbrellas, and two other ideas that went nowhere. Was it 2011? Almost, though I only made one decent animation that year. The rest went nowhere. 2010? Yes, though the frequency of my animations was drastically reduced from the year prior.

I was 14 years old when I hit my peak. 2009 was a magical year, you know. I'd release animations every other week, and my skills each month were drastically improved from the months prior. However, stickmen could only take me so far. My animations in 2010 were starting to get too detailed. The limitations of the program were making it unrealistic to continue. By the time I was ranked Elite in 2011, Pivot was just holding me back.

If Pivot 4 had been released two years earlier, things might have been different. That didn't happen though. By the time Pivot 4 came around, I had accepted that stick figures would never get me anywhere in life. It didn't help that the forum was dying, too.

You're probably aware by now that I removed almost all of my old animations from my Youtube channel. I believe I was justified in doing so. Three years ago, my entire channel was deleted and I had to re-upload everything. None of my animations except for The Last Fall of Crimson got their views back.

Even after three years, animations that once had 10,000+ views were stuck below 200. I check my Youtube Analytics frequently. Most of them were getting less than 5 views per month. I felt weighed down and depressed. It was not an easy decision, but it had to be done. (I will make a compilation video for ALL of my animations, including ones you've never seen before. I have some old hard-drives I still need to search through, but I am working on it).

I owe a lot to Pivot Animation. I owe a lot to Peter Bone. I owe a lot to DarkDemon.org. To all the animators who inspired me, all the members who gave constructive criticism, all the staff who tolerated my bullshit, and my supporting fans most of all, I cannot thank you enough. You all helped me to become the person who I am today. However, I cannot continue with the same old thing forever.

I had to move on eventually, as much as I hate leaving it all behind. I'm sorry, guys.

Flash is the next logical step up from Pivot. I eventually stumbled across MLP and found it to be entertaining (I know, shoot me). In 2012 I thought I'd give animating it a try and see if I could learn Flash at the same time. And you know what? I enjoyed myself. For the first time since 2009 I actually had fun animating.

Whether you like it or not, the MLP community is incredibly resourceful. Considering the fact that my drawing sucks (I used Pivot for a long ass time, and I never needed to draw anything) the Flash rigs that were available were a life-saver. Since then I have learnt to build my own rigs, which I would NOT have known how to do before-hand.

There are also a LOT of big connections within the industry here, too. I had the honour of working with Grey DeLisle last year. She was the voice of 'Derpy' in something I animated for a big Youtube Channel (The channel has 90,000+ subscribers. Unfortunately, the animation is no longer available to the public). Grey DeLisle is known for her work in a lot of shows and video games. This character in particular is one of my favourites that she has voiced.

Some of you suggested that MLP is all I'm doing and all I'm ever going to do. That is not what is happening. Me and my girlfriend always planned on expanding beyond MLP animation. We left a number of not-so-subtle hints to this fact in the NightFalls update video.

Another thing to consider is that I am currently studying Advanced 3D Animation at my college. I have been since the beginning of last year. After I graduate, I will pay off my student loans and then move to America to become a professional animator. I can guarantee that I will NOT be animating MLP for my job (And even if I was, does it really matter? It's just a cartoon).

At the end of the day, I can't force any of you to follow me against your will. I wouldn't want to even if I could. Just know that I will be moving beyond MLP eventually and that I fully intend on making epic animations again some day. Just know that they wont be animated in Pivot.
Short Version

I lost interest in Pivot Animation years ago. MLP animations are a temporary thing while I learn Flash animation and grow my channel. I have also been studying Advanced 3D Animation at College for well over a year, and I should be working in the industry by next year. It's true that if it weren't for DarkDemon.org, this career might not have been possible for me. But if I stuck with Pivot and nothing else, I'd never get anywhere in life.

I still love Pivot Animations, despite that I can't realistically do it any more. Good luck to all future animators. I may lurk from time to time. I might even post. But for the most part, I'm moving on. It's been an amazing ride, and one that I'll never forget.


- OblivionFall
Last edited by OblivionFall on Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby Jon » Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:01 am

I wasn't angry at you leaving pivtot, I mean, I don't animate.
I just really dislike the MLP community, and I'd prefer to see you animate something that could really be awesome, but it is your prerogative what you want to animate and such.
That's awesome that you're working with her, the voice of Azula from Avatar - this is the sort of animation I'd love to see from you.
(P.s. I'm Jon Edwards, we had a lot of skype talks).

Please keep us posted, I'd love to see something other than MLP from you.
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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby ZucchiniJuice » Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:31 am

Mat wrote:Welcome to the internet.

Yeah, I know that this will never ever disappear, im just stating it out.
So maybe people who are intimidated can speak their minds freely while abiding the rules, tis be moar fun like dat.

Oblivionfall wrote:There are also a LOT of big connections within the industry here, too. I had the honour of working with Grey DeLisle last year. She was the voice of 'Derpy' in something I animated for a big Youtube Channel (The channel has 90,000+ subscribers. Unfortunately, the animation is no longer available to the public). Grey DeLisle is known for her work in a lot of shows and video games. This character in particular is one of my favourites that she has voiced.

Holy crap, nice! Tell her she has big fan(s) in the pivot community!
I have really no problem with the MLP community. I only have a problem with those people who shove "I LIKE MLP" in your face.
MLP already turned into something like SWAG or YOLO. All 3 used to be "cool" in the hippie community, and now they shun it with everlasting frowns. But I feel em', i would be pretty sad if pivot became very very popular, and all these new animators are 10x than me.

Honestly, I suck at any percise-detail cnc. I can do big picture ones cnc pretty good tho.
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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby Juke » Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:52 am

To be quite honest, I wouldn't mind too bad to go down the road that you are going down. I'm doing a 2 week animation course at the moment during summer, though pivot has helped me heaps with timing, flow, poses etc, I still find it hard to actually draw frame by frame. I'm getting to the point now where I might finally move on from pivot ( not so much the community). I want to animate big productions like Avatar (legend of Aang/Korra) for a career.
If animating MLP for a year to learn animation "properly" was the way to go for me then I would 100 percent do it. I actually envy what your doing at the moment. I'm glad you came here to explain everything to us and to give us a proper final farewell. Good luck!
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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby Waters » Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:15 pm

Really though your recent animations on the channel look really good, whether or not it's MLP it's still pretty fucking good and it's good to know this isn't forever.
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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby Gary » Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:19 pm

Jon wrote:I just really dislike the MLP community, and I'd prefer to see you animate something that could really be awesome, but it is your prerogative what you want to animate and such.

Yea, basically what Jon said here.
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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby Daniël » Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:00 am

Well, that's that. Stay golden, pony boy.
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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby Gage » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:41 am

Daniel wrote:Well, that's that. Stay golden, pony boy.

Every time I read that shitty pun I laugh uncontrollably
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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby Chris » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:52 am

Oblivion, man, you aight.
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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby Jojishi » Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:06 pm

It's not that I was upset at you for animating MLP, but that it seemed like you forgot about us and were only going to do MLP. I'm glad that you haven't forgotten about us, but also acknowledge that you'll probably move on from us some day and that's okay. It's also okay if you do end up animating ponies for however long you want. Even though it's not my thing, I like the character animation a lot. If you can learn animating in Flash the best through doing MLP animations then that's fine. It totally makes sense anyway if you're going to animate 3D animations in the future.

I'm sorry I started up this thread where people bashed on you quite a bit. That wasn't right at all and I feel extremely bad for starting anything negative. Even if it was just to inform people, my first post wasn't exactly in good taste. Thanks for clearing things up and showing your work. It's a shame you didn't finish your DDCXI or the Mermaid animation. Those looked very promising. I've stayed subscribed and look forward to whatever you animate in the future. Best wishes.
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Re: OblivionFall now NightFalls Studios

Postby Stickid » Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:12 am

but guyyys

his pony's cutiemark looks like pivot :')

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