K-ON Fanfiction - After School Murder Time

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K-ON Fanfiction - After School Murder Time

Postby Alca » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:50 am

Mio was starving. She had gone the entire day without eating anything. It was Ritsu who suggested that she should start a diet after all. The fact that Mio was sitting in front of an extraordinarily large chocolate cake didn't ease her crippling hunger pangs either. Ritsu sat across the table watching her like a hawk, waiting for the moment when Mio would slip up and greedily cram in as much cake as her mouth would allow.

Perhaps if she only took the strawberry from the top. Strawberry's were her favourite after all, and Ritsu would hardly be able to tell her off. She hesitated for a moment, but when her stomach began to growl fiercely she worked up the courage to pick up her fork and take it. As she was about to pierce the fruit an object from her left intercepted, knocking her hand out of the way. Mugi had reached forward and taken the strawberry for herself, grinning triumphantly as she began to chew.

That was the final straw for Mio. Perhaps the hunger had driven her insane, or maybe it was the cruel betrayal she had suffered hands of Mugi, but Mio could feel a violent anger rising up within her, the likes of which she had never experienced before.

"M-Mio, I'm sorr-"

Mugi was only able to get in half an apology before Mio grabbed a nearby knife and slashed at her throat. The weapon sliced through the air in a murderous arc and landed straight on target. A spray of blood caught Mio's face and dripped onto her lips. It was warm, yet had a distinctly sweet taste. Like a marionette with its strings cut, Mugi tumbled from the chair face first, leaving a bloody imprint on classroom floor.

Yui was the first to leap to action. She made a straight line for the door in a vain attempt to escape. Mio didn't immediately run after Yui, she didn't need to. In her panic Yui clumsily twisted the handle the wrong way, causing it to get stuck. Mio calmly picked up Yui's prized possession which she had always named 'Gita,' and brought it high above her head, swinging it at Yui with all her weight. The guitar split in two as Mio drove it into her skull, a fountain of blood transforming the window into a piece of crimson artwork.

There wasn't any time to waste. Mio left the guitar buried in Yui's skull and dashed towards Azusa who was cowering in the corner. Mio wasn't carrying a weapon this time, but Azusa had a much smaller frame compared to herself. She wrapped her hands around her neck, trying to squeeze the life out of her. She struggled at first, but her arms became limp and heavy as Mio clamped down even harder. Azusa was coloured a dark blue by the time she had stopped breathing, and Mio carelessly threw her to the side as she faced her final victim.

"Mio, stop! It's me, Ritsu! I'm your best fri-"

Mio did not care for small talk. It was Ritsu who got her into this mess in the first place, and Mio had no sympathy for her former friend. Picking up Mugi's piano which had been left leaning against a nearby wall, she swung it directly towards Ritsu. The piano connected with her shoulder, sending Ritsu flying onto the table. Mio followed up with another attack immediately after. The piano came crashing down against her head, breaking her nose and several of her teeth.

Mio reveled at the contorted expression on Ritsu's face which was a mixture of horror and pure shock. Ritsu tried to open her mouth but Mio refused to give her a chance, and repeatedly struck her face with all her strength until her features were utterly unrecognizable. Mio collapsed onto the floor, exhausted. Killing her best friends had been more tiring than she thought. She used a cloth to wipe away the mixture of blood and sweat which had stained her face, and scanned the room, observing her work. If someone were to walk in at that moment, they might have thought it the manifestation of hell itself.

"And that's why you shouldn't steal Mio's strawberry!" Yui said, pointing her finger accusingly at a guilty Mugi who had tried to steal the strawberry from Mio's cake.

"My my," Ritsu said, shaking her head, "your imagination worries me sometimes Yui."

"Whenever people see birds flying through the sky, it's said that they get the urge to go on a journey.".

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Re: K-ON Fanfiction - After School Murder Time

Postby Mitch » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:16 pm

Well I mean, Mio was best girl.
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Re: K-ON Fanfiction - After School Murder Time

Postby Cowboy Memebop » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:41 pm

submit this to kyoani
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