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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby Grams » Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:05 pm

Ocean wrote:Lmao gtfo with yo drawing philosophy lil puck LELELELEL.

No but really i don't think he's saying how bad you are and acting like he knows everything.

"Being bad is ok, you're a beginner no one expects you to be good." lol not sure what else this would imply
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby ZucchiniJuice » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:07 pm

Mizu wrote:You aren't Picazo. Having your own style is neato, but you don't develop a style without knowing what you're fucking doing. MUH STILE doesn't change the fact that some things are just bad. Being bad is ok, you're a beginner no one expects you to be good.

Well, your not being very mature of my decision. Considering of the obvious sarcasm. "MUH STILE"
Of course im not Picasso (Picazo), and you obviously dont know the story of Picasso. I have a whole different style. And fuck yes someone can develop a style without knowing what he is doing. It would be absolutely abstract.
And I do know what I doing. Coloring inside the lines... just as how I like it and how my art teacher likes it, and my friends like it, just not how you may like it.
So, Im going to skip the dang drawing "simple shapes" you've been trying to make me do for this whole time, and draw my stuff based off my art teacher's teachings. Because I truely believe, I can skip those parts and go straight to figure guidelines. Because they are the basics core.

Ocean wrote:Lmao gtfo with yo drawing philosophy lil puck LELELELEL.

Yeeeaa fuck it, I want to draw what I want to draw!

Honestly, I suck at any percise-detail cnc. I can do big picture ones cnc pretty good tho.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby SIFTER » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:16 pm

I think that Phewz and the (insert kanji here) is the only acceptable artist around. Other people can just bend over waiting to get penetrated analy.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby ZucchiniJuice » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:34 pm

If atokniiro was here, he would be added to that list too.

Honestly, I suck at any percise-detail cnc. I can do big picture ones cnc pretty good tho.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby Waters » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:01 pm

You're still wrong but what ever, don't ask for Cnc if all you want is someone to suck your dick telling you it tastes good.

Lol Sifter you're so fucking salty.
Last edited by Waters on Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby ZucchiniJuice » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:05 pm

I just don't want you to, if your going to act like this.

Honestly, I suck at any percise-detail cnc. I can do big picture ones cnc pretty good tho.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby Waters » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:12 pm

SecretName wrote:I just don't want you to, if your going to act like this.
Acting like what, giving cnc? I gave you my opinion and you didn't like it, i gave you my criticism and you didn't like it. You only want to hear what you like. Guidelines aren't everything you need good understanding of alot of things, Shapes, Anatomy, Clothing etc. Abstract is only good if it has an actual meaning, even then I don't think you're capable of making anything "Abstract", you're only using that and Picasso to hide behind. Because you don't want to come to the conclusion that you actually have to do things.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby Cressel » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:15 pm

All of this could've been avoided if you didn't try to prove Mizu wrong. He's giving you advice on what he feels you need to work on and how you should approach it. If you don't want to that's fine, but saying you don't need to do it is basically saying you're better than what he says and it obviously isn't true if he brought up that cc in the first place.
Just drop it Mizu lol

Anyways your stuff is alright but you still have a lot to work on, I'd say focus on keeping your proportions for now, seems to be the biggest problem on what you've shared so far.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby ZucchiniJuice » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:20 pm

"suck your dick telling you it tastes good."
^ acting like that, and the obvious sarcasm.

Look, I really ment no disrespect when I told you what I felt. I said this multiple times. I even said I would be totally prepared to take on the hate from the community I was going to get after I posted the comment.
And I know I have ALOT of things to work on.

Head is usually too big
Proportions are bad
Muscle shapes seem forced.
Taric looks too NWSF.
Soraka's hand looks like its twistively broken.

Also, if your saying I should just draw just indivisal shapes, like indivisual shapes, like just a circle on a page... thats quite boring no? I'd like to draw a circle then turn it into a torso or head, like how i've been doing.
Last edited by ZucchiniJuice on Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Honestly, I suck at any percise-detail cnc. I can do big picture ones cnc pretty good tho.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby Gage » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:25 pm

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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby Alca » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:26 pm

You know, you're not going to get much better unless you start taking CC on board. If you don't want your work to be criticised maybe you'd be better with only sharing it with friends and family. But if you want some actual feedback that's going to be helpful don't be surprised when someone calls you out on mistakes. This really goes for any artistic medium, whether it be literature, artwork, or anything in between. You can't really improve much by yourself, because you're always going to be bias towards your own work and it's easy to overlook things.

It's not terrible, and it's certainly better than what I could do. With practice I'm sure you'll become an experienced artist. My main criticism at the moment would be working on your proportions, this problem is really obvious in the 'manga girl' picture. Everything Mizu said seemed entirely valid. Don't try and argue when people are giving you CC, because at the end of the day they're just trying to help you improve. You might feel like defending your work whenever someone criticizes it because of the effort you put into it, but if you're serious about drawing that's a habit you're going to have to change.

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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby ZucchiniJuice » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:38 pm

I actually did like Mizu's 1st and 2nd comment. Its just after I kept saying I am doing what he is wanting me to do, draw just ovals, cylinders, circles, over and over and over again.
Mizu wrote:Learn the basics, simple shapes followed by complex shapes. Then figure drawing.

Secretname wrote:I usually start out with a plain and simple circles/ovals. Then I think of bodily shapes and sizes.

Mizu wrote:Don't do that, start with shapes,

Secretname wrote:Mizu, I start out with stickmen... then squares... then circles/ovals. I am doing just simple shapes.

Mizu wrote:I'm talking about shapes like boxes and cylinders,

Secretname wrote:I start off with a stickman, then squres, ovals, circles, then muscles, then eyes, mouth, etc.《Video》

Mizu wrote:I'm talking about actual individual shapes, not figure guidelines.

《This was the moment I thought "fuck it, I dont know what he is talking about, so im not going to do it.》

Are circles and ovals not simple shapes? Are squares not boxes? You just told me to do simple shapes then figure drawing, then your telling me im not to do so.

It felt belittling, and he was acting as if I knew nothing. Nevermind what he just said, he needs to draw shapes. His shapes are not my shapes. He said he does what im telling him? No he isnt, he is a beginner, he needs to draw shapes.

If I was really that bad with Cnc. I would of quit this website at day 1. But I stuck to this same community for 6 straight years, staying low beginner for 4 years, 2 years at med beginner, 1 year at high...
I still mean, no disrespect. I take back what I said about how I dont want you to comment here Mizu, Im sorry.

Honestly, I suck at any percise-detail cnc. I can do big picture ones cnc pretty good tho.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby SIFTER » Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:57 am

Here, look. For a cc to be good and successful, there needs to be two things: A critic who lays off things nicely, and an artist who takes it to heart. Secret did take it to heart at first, then Sir Mizu started to force him to understand how bad he is which gave me the impression that his goal is not only to make him feel bad about his stuff and discourage him, and maybe also making him stop drawing (that's how I thought about it, so please). Mizu, you're not better than him, to begin with, and you're treating him like a stickpagian filled with hot air. If he didn't feel convinced, that's his problem and you should leave it there. But it's also Secret's fault for taking you seriously from the first place. Because he did, this happened. More over, Secret's drawings are half decent. Better than what I used to do when I was at his level, at least.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby Cressel » Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:05 pm

Sifter wrote:Here, look. For a cc to be good and successful, there needs to be two things: A critic who lays off things nicely, and an artist who takes it to heart.

The critic has no need to lay things off nicely. He just needs to point out the problems and If he wants to he can explain how to fix it, but he has no need to make the artist feel good about himself.

Sifter wrote:Secret did take it to heart at first, then Sir Mizu started to force him to understand how bad he is which gave me the impression that his goal is not only to make him feel bad about his stuff and discourage him, and maybe also making him stop drawing (that's how I thought about it, so please).

Mizu wasn't even mean. Like holy shit. He just pointed flaws and how to approach the problem. Like nothing else, SecretName just went on trying to prove Mizu he didn't need to, and that's the whole debate, mizu telling him how he should approach it and SecretName saying no I don't(or I already do it when it wasn't what mizu meant).

Sifter wrote:Mizu, you're not better than him, to begin with, and you're treating him like a stickpagian filled with hot air. If he didn't feel convinced, that's his problem and you should leave it there. But it's also Secret's fault for taking you seriously from the first place.

Being good has nothing to do with CC. Like why do you even bring that up. SecretName just needs to learn how to deal with CC (either take it or not, not trying to prove the critic wrong)
This just tires me cause you're treating Mizu like if he was being completely mean when all he did was try to make SecretName realize he has a lot to work on and explain how he should approach it.
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Re: SecretName's Drawings. Lets Join Tapastic?

Postby ZucchiniJuice » Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:44 pm

I rejected Mizu's help because it was extremely confusing.

I rejected Mizu's help (which I knew it was obviously he was trying to help me) with the goal to have no harsh feelings. And yes, I can argue with with the critic, mainly when the critic is being confusing. The 1st arguement was, whether or not I do draw simple shapes.

I tried to prove Mizu wrong because his Cnc was greatly confusing, and not that helpful.

Mizu was pursuing greatly for me to draw simple shapes. When I already draw simple shapes. That just annoyed me how he took me as that inexperienced. That I don't even know what a simple shape is.

Mizu wasn't trying to be mean. He just took my declaration of rejecting his help wrong.

Honestly, I suck at any percise-detail cnc. I can do big picture ones cnc pretty good tho.
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