Hiring Pivot Animator/Buying Animations?

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Hiring Pivot Animator/Buying Animations?

Postby SoloSmith » Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:22 pm

Hi all!

I have a project I'm working on that needs a little something to spice it up a bit. I've seen plenty of stickmen action on YouTube and such but never really looked into it, only learned about Pivot today... I know right? :D

I didn't see a forum for hiring someone or buying assets, just a request forum - which I assumed was a freebie area. Thought I'd ask here, in case there was a proper procedure or expected channel I should follow?

I can't really provide full details other than wanting high quality work from a reliable individual. I don't imagine you would need to be a Pivot master but you would need to be familiar with combat, first-person, facial expressions etc

It has the potential to be a regular project, although I imagine that the first one would be 2-3 minutes long.

Would appreciate any info on how to proceed finding someone to fill the role, or answering any questions for those that may be interested.
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Re: Hiring Pivot Animator/Buying Animations?

Postby tuna » Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:28 pm

hmm, idk if you've come to the right place or not. this forum isn't renowned for having lengthy animations because we're kinda lazy here, eheh, and also because pivot isn't the most efficient means of animating.
i'd recommend a few flash forums, such as Stickpage.com or Hyuns dojo if you want higher quality work :)
good luck with that project man ;o
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Re: Hiring Pivot Animator/Buying Animations?

Postby SIFTER » Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:30 pm

It all depends on how long should the animator take to make it to 3mins legit, It is very hard to find someone with the spesifications you're looking for, if nort impossible. So, good luck with that.

You might as well look up youtube pivoters since they focus more on quantity.
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Re: Hiring Pivot Animator/Buying Animations?

Postby Jojishi » Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:56 pm

2-3 minutes is a lot of animation. For a high quality Pivot animation of that length you would probably be looking at 100 hours worth of work at least, if not, quite possibly 150 or 200 but it's impossible to tell unless someone knows what sort of backgrounds would be needed, effects etc. those things add on a lot of extra time and can take a few days just to make backgrounds and effects (depending on the quality).

I'm not sure you'll find a single Pivot animator willing to do this and two wanting to do the same thing are hard to come across. I'd recommend lookin for someone on the YouTube community (but this could be sketchy and quality probably won't be that good) or going to Hyun's Dojo or Stickpage. They have Flash animators there who more than likely would be willing to do this.

Is there any reason for wanting it to be Pivot? There's a certain aesthetic Pivot gives to animations and everything is purely frame by frame (no motion tweening) so I was just curious.
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Re: Hiring Pivot Animator/Buying Animations?

Postby SoloSmith » Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:00 pm

Sifter wrote:It all depends on how long should the animator take to make it to 3mins legit, It is very hard to find someone with the spesifications you're looking for, if nort impossible. So, good luck with that.

You might as well look up youtube pivoters since they focus more on quantity.

Thanks for your advice :D

Tuna wrote:hmm, idk if you've come to the right place or not. this forum isn't renowned for having lengthy animations because we're kinda lazy here, eheh, and also because pivot isn't the most efficient means of animating.
i'd recommend a few flash forums, such as Stickpage.com or Hyuns dojo if you want higher quality work :)
good luck with that project man ;o

I'm struggling as I know very little about animation :D I tried going through traditional freelance channels but outside of a AAA 3D animation, I didn't have any luck - and even that was priced in the $1000s. When searching through YouTube for a style I wanted I came across

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL0AZ_fiDcc (stickman)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDvB1n-jS7w (cartoonized, detailed)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIyB6B0uYHg (death battle)

I was quoted $5500 for a 3 minute video in Death Battle style. After I got up off the floor and re-attached my jaw, I came across Pivot :D

What I'm after is a detailed, funny and action-filled animation that can be split into segments of roughly 10-15 seconds a piece. I've got a few general ideas for the approach but that's about it. All 3 of the styles above fit perfectly and can be high quality in their own right, but I'm not really sure what kind of animator I'm after. Would a cartoonized action/story sequence be better suited to flash or?

Thanks for taking the time to respond :D

Jojishi wrote:2-3 minutes is a lot of animation. For a high quality Pivot animation of that length you would probably be looking at 100 hours worth of work at least, if not, quite possibly 150 or 200 but it's impossible....

Seems I'll have to keep looking :D Pivot seemed a good choice as there's some great videos out there and after spending an hour or two myself, I figured an experienced creator could do the task in a rather short time frame. Seems I was way off as I wouldn't have imagined it taking that long.

Thanks again guys. Very welcoming and friendly community, an increasingly rare quality :D
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Re: Hiring Pivot Animator/Buying Animations?

Postby tuna » Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:14 pm

you're being a little too vague in your requests. we may be able to help you but it depends on what you want. what sort of animations are you looking for? backgrounds of full colour?

What I'm after is a detailed, funny and action-filled animation that can be split into segments of roughly 10-15 seconds a piece

if this is the case, we can probably organise a thing with multiple animators who could animate a small section each for you :)
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Re: Hiring Pivot Animator/Buying Animations?

Postby Raymond » Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:57 pm

Making an animation can be very difficult, even for an experienced animator. If you give us more information other than a death battle scene, maybe one of our members can work something out with you. There are a few really talented members here at TheDarkDemon who have made 3-5 minute long animations, but they have also spent countless amounts of hours on those animations. Jojishi gave you a ball park range of how many hours someone would put into a 3-5 minute video, but that doesn't necessarily mean everyone would take that long. It all depends on the technique an animator uses. Like with Jojishi, he made all his longer animations using pivot and I'm assuming a mouse. Other more talented animators may be better at using a wacom bamboo tablet and drawing out more detailed figures rather than stick figures. In their case they might animate faster than Jojishi. Just remember that for each individual animator it will be different.

Although if you are looking for a 3-5 minute video that looks like one of the 3 videos you linked, I don't think you will find anyone here that would be willing to do that. Some of us are probably capable of doing it, but it would require a lot of time an effort and unless they enjoyed animating death fight scenes like your looking for, they may ask you for a lot of money so they can be compensated for all the time they put into it. I would even consider doing it for you, if you weren't looking for such a long animation. 3-5 minutes is like 3240-5400 frames and that's running at a frame rate of 18fps, which to some people can look choppy. A lot of flash animators use 24fps, so in that case 3-5 minutes would be 4320-7200 frames. So your asking someone to make that many individual pictures and on top of that your asking them to link the pictures up perfectly so that it creates an animation. That is difficult and takes time. I know you already heard this, I'm just giving you an idea of what your asking.

To put it simple your asking us to bake you a cake, but your not giving us the type of flavoring or type of cake you want. lol
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Re: Hiring Pivot Animator/Buying Animations?

Postby Josh » Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:28 am

Like what has been said above, it would probably be in your benefit to see if you can hire multiple animators to do this. Asking one person to animate that much is pretty taxing on them, and no doubt expensive for you.
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Re: Hiring Pivot Animator/Buying Animations?

Postby Waters » Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:36 am

What makes you think that anyone here would be able to pull off what you're looking for anyway? Don't get me wrong there are some people here that can pull off some truly amazing shit but even then they animate sparingly. I'm curious as to what pivot animation you watched that gave you this impression.
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