Worst thing that happend to you

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Worst thing that happend to you

Postby TheLegendV » Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:12 am

Hey! Tell me your worst thing that happened to you.

Well how about me? heh?

Well the worst thing that happened to me was i didin't know where to go at my new school when i was a kid. :/
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Caleb » Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:19 am

Ho boy, here goes.

I'd say depression is the worst thing that ever happened to me. I've at some point thought I was so useless that I would just be better off killing myself. I was failing everything and letting everyone down and it got to a point where I thought I could only make mistakes. I thought to myself that, if I only ever make mistakes, I could only be a negative addition to anyone's life and over time I would inflict the sadness that would come with my suicide anyways. It felt like I was making the choice to either slowly slide a knife into everyone's bodies or just immediately pierce it through, so in the end I almost figured I'd rather choose for piercing it through. Luckily that's when I joined art school, met people that appreciated me and made myself more useful overall so here I am.

You should be happy that that's the worst that ever happened to you.
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Daniël » Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:31 am

Caleb wrote:Ho boy, here goes.

I'd say depression is the worst thing that ever happened to me. I've at some point thought I was so useless that I would just be better off killing myself. I was failing everything and letting everyone down and it got to a point where I thought I could only make mistakes. I thought to myself that, if I only ever make mistakes, I could only be a negative addition to anyone's life and over time I would inflict the sadness that would come with my suicide anyways. It felt like I was making the choice to either slowly slide a knife into everyone's bodies or just immediately pierce it through, so in the end I almost figured I'd rather choose for piercing it through. Luckily that's when I joined art school, met people that appreciated me and made myself more useful overall so here I am.

You should be happy that that's the worst that ever happened to you.

That's very sad, but did you ever get lost at your new school? Didn't think so.
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Coweetie » Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:32 am

@caleb, if you ever feel down again...just think of it that everyone will die one day, so why not annoy the shit out of others you dont like as long as you live (or do whatever you want until it happens)
I mean, why not, I was in the same position, and thought, ey, fuck it, its my life.

the worst to me was that my parents quite left me alone. (they didnt go away, they just didnt care about me)

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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Jojishi » Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:04 am

You've opened up a can of worms. I almost got kidnapped when I was 7 years old. That probably ranks somewhere around a 6.5 on the scale of the bad things that have happened in my life.

I wouldn't say there's a definite worst thing that's happened, but I'd say that the past couple of weeks have certainly been trying. I got diagnosed with something (a month ago) I'm not quite comfortable talking about yet but it's most likely shaved off 10 years of my life. Due to my bad coping mechanisms, I turned into an abusive person in real life and made some very bad choices. I didn't shower for a week (ew), my room was so much of a mess there was rotting food and I felt like killing myself every hour for that time. You do not want to wake up every morning feeling like you're trapped in some nightmare. The worst part is knowing that the nightmare never ends, that you're stuck with this reality and just have to make the best out of it.

When I was 15 my life was rough. I got severe acne, had to start wearing glasses and had just scarred myself with self-injury. I was made fun of every day as you can imagine. My dad died from a drug overdose, except he didn't really die until later on in hospital. He was a vegetable and having to say goodbye to someone for what you know is the last time is heart-wrenching. I can't even imagine what must have been going through his mind, being aware of everything, having to go through with what I went through but also knowing he was going to die...

I should get into the self harm side of things I guess. I actually started self harming when I was four. I would bite my knuckles until they bled. This progressed into hitting myself at the age of 8, then cutting at the age of 11. Unfortunately it progressed until I cut myself so badly my Mum found me with blood oozing out of my arm at 14. I had to get stitches and I still have the scars, which makes everyone look at me as though I'm psychotic. I'm going to have to get plastic surgery some day because they're quite bad. I didn't learn about self harm before I started doing it. I only found out certain people cut themselves when I was 13. I didn't do it for attention or as some teenage phase but because I hated myself and thought I needed to be punished.

This also stems back to a childhood where I would be punished for nothing. Due to this I thought any bad thing that happened was somehow my fault. I remember trying to feed the cat one day, my dad got pissed off at me, chased me around the house and then picked me up and slammed me on the ground. I'm certain there were other instances where I'd been hit but I've blocked them out for the most part.

Due to my anxiety back in 2013, I dealt with a crippling existential crisis. This went on for the better part of the year and due to my severe anxiety resurfacing it caused my grades to plummet. Last year I tried cannabis and while the first time was great, the other times I did it just induced panic attacks. I had a marijuana induced psychotic episode one day and I had to be taken to the hospital where they (surprise) did nothing. It took me months to get better, but even now my brain chemistry is slightly off.

What really depressed me lately though was the diagnosis. I eat all the healthy foods, I exercise, sleep well (for the most part) yet other people that use drugs, drink, party, or don't care about the food they eat are somehow healthier than I am. The unfairness of it all turned me into an extremely bitter person. Seeing myself change like that reinforced my perception that no one is inherently good or bad, but just make choices which can be deemed good or bad. Anyway, that whole thing has made it so that I won't be able to do certain things ever again and I have a shortened life span now. I'm not exactly in the best state of mind.

I'd do anything to have to deal with the big problems of relationship troubles, financial issues, studying/work problems or just general depression about life that everyone seems to deal with. I'd kill to be in their position. At the moment I have a life of flipping burgers for the next couple of years to look forward to, and for what? So I can live in some crummy apartment for the better part of the next decade. I don't have any relationships to look forward to or sense of security. The future looks bleak. The stuff going on with Russia/NATO at the moment is worrying me as well. In any case, we have a possible Cold War II (which has probably already started) and that's if we're lucky, then there's the whole global warming issue that keeps getting put off because the old men in power won't have to deal with this future.

I've probably rambled on too long and gone a bit off-topic there. Sorry, I'm just going through a hard time right now and this topic has brought up a lot of bad memories and a heavy load of regret for the choices I've made in life.
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Anton » Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:10 am

And Joji's the winner.

*sniff* so much sadness around here.

Well, here's my most pathetic story :

I went visiting my grandparents in another country (Spain), so i took a 10 hours bus ride.
However, I descended at the wrong bus station, cuz i was too tired and needed to stretch, but the bus went away as i was still stretching.

And the grandparents waited for my arrival, at the next stop, 60km further, I had no phone to inform anyone of my position ... well, they waited 3 more hours before i managed to get to another bus. (thanks, basic spanish knowledge, you saved me)

But within these 3 hours, everyone was so horrified, when i arrived, the gramps said they could have got a heart attack... just because of a stupid mistake of mine ;_;
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Jojishi » Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:14 am

Anton wrote:And Joji's the winner.

*sniff* so much sadness around here.

Well, here's my most pathetic story :

I went visiting my grandparents in another country (Spain), so i took a 10 hours bus ride.
However, I descended at the wrong bus station, cuz i was too tired and needed to stretch, but the bus went away as i was still stretching.

And the grandparents waited for my arrival, at the next stop, 60km further, I had no phone to inform anyone of my position ... well, they waited 3 more hours before i managed to get to another bus. (thanks, basic spanish knowledge, you saved me)

But within these 3 hours, everyone was so horrified, when i arrived, the gramps said they could have got a heart attack... just because of a stupid mistake of mine ;_;

That sucks. The same thing happened to my sister except it was only about an hour that she was gone for. I can understand why that would be scary. I actually wrote a story about that on WTFTeam once, talking about how it was at night... And there were bats flying over my head... That was terrifying. But hey, GTA V came out a week after that so it was all good again. :)

And winner? I'd rather not be but at least that's one positive thing to stem from it all. Still sucks you were stranded like that.
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby SIFTER » Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:38 am

Worst thing? Probably defending myself against my mum as she was about to kill me by stabbing her nails into my neck and choking me to death.
oneday, she's started offending me and disrespecting by using some very bad words that no mother in her right mind would say to her children I was playing a game on PC. I kept ignoring her by nodding to anything she says. Eventually, she'd decided to make an action and try to break my computer starting from the monitor. She'd even broken my toys when I was a kid. Heck, she'd forced me to break them by myself at some point. Anyway, I tried stopping her from destroying my computer seeing as it was the only one I had, so once she'd realised that trying to do so was useless, she'd moved onto me. She'd scratched my arms like a tiger, squeezed my neck like a snake, and throwing tables and cups of glass at me. Big ones. Luckily, my clothes and headsets were the only things that'd gotten permanently terminated. Luckily for me, dad was there to defend me.

Wanna know why she'd done all this? No reason at all. Sometimes she's nice, sometimes she can be the worst nightmare ever.

I wouldn't say I dislike her or anything, though. Most of the time, she's pretty nice. To me and my brother, at least.
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Caleb » Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:40 am

We're a jolly bunch of fellas
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Jojishi » Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:44 am

Caleb wrote:We're a jolly bunch of fellas

Darn tootin'.

That sucks Sifter. Parental aggression is not something that's pleasant to experience. Especially when they just fly off the handle out of nowhere like that. All you can do is try not to anger her or let her get frustrated to begin with. Sort of like trying to avoid stepping on egg shells.
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Daniël » Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:59 am

I just want to go around and give everyone a hug at this point.
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Skype » Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:48 am

I almost killed myself in a car accident earlier last year but besides that I tend to keep on top of the things that happen to me.
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby thebiscotticakeman » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:06 am

worst thing that happened to me hmmmm i think i have something

When i was only about 6 or 7 at the time whenever i didn't shut up my old nanny used to lock me up in a dark room and chained me there
she also was stealing all my lunch money aswell and she would literally whack me with a stick if i ever told my mother anything about the incidents When she got arrested a few days later i actually grew a fear of being alone in a room because of those times
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Mat » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:11 am

Probably when my mother died. I was going to say something else, but her death and my inability to properly grieve over it was pretty much what led to everything bad that happened in my life.
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Re: Worst thing that happend to you

Postby Koolcid » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:44 am

Mat wrote:Probably when my mother died. I was going to say something else, but her death and my inability to properly grieve over it was pretty much what led to everything bad that happened in my life.

I know how you feel man. My hermit crab died.
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